I'm sorely confused by the patching.
Here's what I have:
Arma 2 vanila retail boxed version
Arma 2 OA steam version
What do I need to do to bring both of these up to full potential of game play?
My understanding:
Arma 2 vanila needs to be patched manualy
Arma 2 OA will take care of itself
My problem:
I visit the patch site (can't post link cause I'm too newbie) and see patches. But none are for 1.00 to 1.11. There is a 1.05 to 1.11. But no patch to get to 1.05. Furthermore, download links are either incredibly slow or broken. The patch FAQ is not helpful.
Additional questions
What is this british and PMC add on stuff anyhow?
Sorry I'm so clueless. I'm blowing dust off my ARMA thanks to the latest steam sale.