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Everything posted by BlenderRUS

  1. BlenderRUS

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    MickyTek: Nice logic... Judge architect if someone peed in your porch...
  2. Crap! Dont say anything about alpha state... since A3 goes public its not a "secret circle"'s game. First of all: Its PUBLIC! It is Bohemia's decision to restrict number of instances and I'm OK with that.... but... Too sad that no announcements about this important feature were made in changelog. We have A3 games every weekend on 3 servers... this weekend "surprised" us and many players.... At least BIS could add this feature a little bit later when dedicated server executable is released.. and as I know some of admins already have test version of it...
  3. BlenderRUS

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    And... what about enable setVehicleInit (and etc...) just serverside?? It is really necessary for a many missions/addons which creates vehicles with custom textures and many other attributes!
  4. BlenderRUS

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    BTW Got "virus" hack from A3 memory: http://pastebin.com/VGGrUWWS
  5. use addPublicVariableEventHandler instead of non-sleep cycle. i.e.: // init.sqf waituntil {!(isnil "bis_fnc_init")}; showChat true; enableSaving [False, False]; gc_function = {(_this select 0) globalchat (_this select 1)}; if(!isDedicated) then { player addAction ["Say Hello","talk.sqf"]; }; if (isServer) then { "sayHello" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if (_this select 1) then { [[player, "Hello"], "gc_function"] call BIS_fnc_mp; sayHello = false; }; }; }; talk.sqf: sayHello = true; publicVariableServer "sayHello";
  6. Wrong email address. use: support (at) bistudio.com
  7. Got problems with 2500 ping on ArmA 3 servers in browser list... Tried it on two internet lines with different ISPs. All services except Arma 3 correctly uses ICMP ping replies (of course Allow any ICMP rule enabled for a gate machine). The most interesting thing is - ArmA 2 servers on the same machine correctly replies to ping queries! Is it GS-Master related?
  8. BlenderRUS

    Does the drawLine3D method work?

    It works but TTL as about 0.05 seconds. Just use cycle.
  9. BlenderRUS

    Advanced Vehicle Interaction

    Definable controls feature, distance and non-module version soon.
  10. BlenderRUS

    Community Ban list ?

    useless till hackers can change their uid
  11. Got 7.4Mb A3 update through steam. Any information/changelog on this dev build update?
  12. BlenderRUS

    Hackers giving players hacks. O.o

    Since no BattlEye or another anti-cheat/self debug software in A3, admins should analyze network traffic for public broadcasts on their servers.. but hackers can be detected only after executing scripts.
  13. BlenderRUS

    Arma 3 Dedicated server

    Any suggestions how to unlink server with steam?
  14. BlenderRUS

    Arma 3 Dedicated server

    Yeah it loads DX and PhysX.. my suggestion is to wait separate dedicated server release.
  15. BlenderRUS

    Arma 3 Dedicated server

    Use -server key. Configs like in arma 2. But its stupid - you cant run server and play on it from the same account because of steam...
  16. Advanced Vehicle Interaction Almost finished Advanced Vehicle Interaction Module inspired by VBS2. Features: - Choose one of free seats in vehicle - Icons displaying occupied seats - You can get in enemy vehicle (disabled by default) - Unknown seat status for closed vehicles (tanks, apc etc...) - Using module inside vehicles shows vehicle gear menu
  17. You cant turn SQF to a PBO :) PBO is just an archive like RAR, ZIP but ArmA compatible Just use CPBO, PBOView or Mikero's Eliteness to pack your scripts/models/images and other stuff to a PBO file.
  18. BlenderRUS

    SQF Encryptor

    Lol guys.. dont blame on me but it is stupid idea. You cant binarize arma scripts. The only thing you can is just make scripts less readable by changing variable names, functions to a random, and removing all spaces/caret returns. Efficiency of this... is ZERO! Any starting C++/C# programmer can write string parser :) The only solution is to make serverside functions.
  19. Ok wrote a small script that changes your model/skin, keeps your weapons, scores, rank, group, units in group, unit name set in the editor. Usage: 1. Create script file (for ex. changeClass.sqf) 2. Copy/Paste code below and save file 3. Execute script with two arguments - current unit and new model class For example: [player, "UN_CDF_Soldier_Officer_EP1"] execVM "scripts\changeClass.sqf"; This will change class of player to UN Soldier; private ["_unit", "_newUnitType", "_unitType", "_side", "_weapons", "_magazines", "_rank", "_score", "_group", "_units", "_position", "_dir", "_leader", "_varName", "_primWeapon", "_secWeapon", "_newGroup"]; _unit = _this select 0; _newUnitType = _this select 1; _unitType = typeOf _unit; _side = side _unit; _weapons = weapons _unit; _magazines = magazines _unit; _rank = rank _unit; _score = score _unit; _group = group _unit; _units = units _group; _position = getPosATL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit; _leader = leader _unit; _varName = vehicleVarName _unit; _primWeapon = primaryWeapon _unit; _secWeapon = secondaryWeapon _unit; _newGroup = createGroup _side; _newUnit = _newGroup createUnit [_newUnitType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; addSwitchableUnit _newUnit; titleCut ["","black faded", 0]; _unit setVehicleVarName format["old%1", round(random 999)]; _newUnit setVehicleVarName _varName; _newUnit setPosATL _position; _newUnit setDir _dir; _newUnit setRank _rank; _newUnit addScore _score; selectPlayer _newUnit; removeAllWeapons _newUnit; { _newUnit addMagazine _x } forEach _magazines; { _newUnit addWeapon _x } forEach _weapons; if (_primWeapon != "") then { _newUnit selectWeapon _primWeapon }; if (_secWeapon != "") then { _newUnit selectWeapon _secWeapon }; _units joinSilent _newGroup; _newGroup selectLeader _leader; deleteVehicle _unit; deleteGroup _group; removeSwitchableUnit _newUnit; titleCut ["","PLAIN",0]; Enjoy :)
  20. You can: 1. If you are leader - get all your group units and save it to the variable 2. create new unit with sniper model on your position 3. select this unit using selectPlayer command 4. make all units in group variable join your group with joinSilent 5. delete old soldier object
  21. Addon was written from scratch. And it is impossible to use VBS2's scripts cause of absent config entries in A2 and no certain commands to detect which cargo seat is free. The only thing I used is icons to make it looks like VBS2 :) Maybe I'll change them later.
  22. Yes there are some problems with model position on the seats which have viewCargo LOD (especially for units inside armored vehicles). C130 have the same viewCargo LOD for cargo positions. I didnt solve this problem yet. UPD: I found some solution to get positions in vehicles with seat proxies in another LODs... Move all proxies to the main LOD (0.000). After that you can return real position in model. Yeah I know its not an ideal solution but it works for me... at least untill A2 dont have certain command for that purpose.
  23. Hello. I'm writing some VBS2-like vehicle interaction menu for A2. Job is almost done but I want to add empty positions check to change images in dialog. I've used: commander _veh, driver _veh, gunner _veh, and turret [_veh, [_index]] but there is no cargo _veh command to know if certain position is empty. emptyPositions nor crew cant solve this problem. Will be glad for any help. Thank you. P.S.: Little video of what is done now:
  24. Good idea! Thank you! Just need to spend some time determining players min/max offsets from the original position. I'll publish addon when it will be finished :)
  25. BlenderRUS

    Bad Vehicle Type

    octopos: You need to modify config file, delete unnecessary functions and logic sync, modify dog init script which should be run from local client also client should be the owner of dog object.