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About collin102

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  1. Thanks for the help, after make sure everyone was up to date (including myself) that seemed to fix it however some of the vehicles seem to be missing when the server is launched such as the repair truck or mobile hq. Another thing would be that (using the takistan mission) insurgents seem to spawn in or directly around the two main US and British bases.
  2. Ive been trying to host a local dedicated server on my computer. Everything seems to check out fine I can join the server no problems, log into admin etc. However other clients/players have problems. They can connect to the server just fine however when they select their role/charatcer etc. then proceed by hitting continue their entire game will crash. I have been using Tophe's dedicated server tool to set up the appropriate server configs etc, ill post them in here anyway config // Server Config Generated by Tophes Arma 2 Dedicated Server Tool hostName = "***"; password = "***"; passwordAdmin = "*****"; maxPlayers = 10; logFile = ""; voteThreshold = 0.33; voteMissionPlayers = 3; reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; timeStampFormat = "None"; motd[] = {}; motdInterval = 3; vonCodecQuality = 3; disableVoN = 0; kickduplicate = 0; verifySignatures = 0; persistent = 0; BattlEye = 1; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; onHackedData = ""; onDifferentData = ""; onUnsignedData = ""; regularCheck = ""; class Missions { class Mission1 { template = "mso_32_a2co_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-4.takistan"; difficulty="regular"; }; }; Basic: MaxMsgSend=128; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=256; MinBandwidth=131072; MaxBandwidth=2097152000; MinErrorToSend=0.010; MinErrorToSendNear=; MaxCustomFileSize=1310720; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1; Resolution_W=0; Resolution_H=0; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; Any suggestions?
  3. What kind of information would you like me to provide? I do not think its MSO related either at this point considering I have tried hosting other missions as well and the same thing still happens other players clients crash once they proceed past the player selection screen. I can provide the server config if that would help or anything else to help pinpoint the problem.
  4. I do not, I realized that I had to install this myself after I had read through the MSO wiki. However I am still having problems with other people connecting to the server itself aside from me as their client crashes after the role selection screen
  5. I did edit my previous post to include that i tried hosting a vanilla server to no avail (people still crash after role selection screen), its a local dedi. However I have hosted games using the ingame create option and ive had no issues at all people can connect and play with no problems.
  6. Hello, I saw MSO and immediately got pumped as I really enjoyed the idea of a constantly progressing game with the option for people to come and go as they please and everything on the map saves through the database. Ive been using Tophe's dedicated server tool plus the dedicated server app to try to get a server up and running. So far ive managed to get the server running and log in as admin, change parameters and start the game. However this is where i run into issues, whenever any of my buddies try to connect the server it will cause their game to lock up and their game client to crash completely. This may be a server side issue but im totally lost and I cannot find anything through google searches to fix this. The thing that confuses me the most is that I can connect to the server just fine and actually get ingame without my client crashing HOWEVER; as i have the persistent DB parameter set to on, a little box will pop up saying "Client Loading Persistent Database" and it shows a picture of all the parts of the persistant db (icons of the client, arma online database, and the MySQL) Ive stayed ingame for about 10 mins with that window open and a blackscreen but I can hear things going on the backround so i know that im "ingame" such as gunshots explosions etc. I have the port forwarded that the server itself uses, but the game appears to be stuck at that loading screen. Any suggestions? sorry for double post (in old topic) Edit: I tried hosting a vanilla server still same issue with anyone but myself crashing, to be in a bit more detail; my friend can initially join the server in the player/role selection screen but once he clicks the continue button his game crashes. This happens to both of my friends yet I can join and play no problems at all. The dedicated server itself is hosted on my computer so im not sure if that affects it or not but i would assume thats the case.
  7. Hello, I saw MSO and immediately got pumped as I really enjoyed the idea of a constantly progressing game with the option for people to come and go as they please and everything on the map saves through the database. Ive been using Tophe's dedicated server tool plus the dedicated server app to try to get a server up and running. So far ive managed to get the server running and log in as admin, change parameters and start the game. However this is where i run into issues, whenever any of my buddies try to connect the server it will cause their game to lock up and their game client to crash completely. This may be a server side issue but im totally lost and I cannot find anything through google searches to fix this. The thing that confuses me the most is that I can connect to the server just fine and actually get ingame without my client crashing HOWEVER; as i have the persistent DB parameter set to on, a little box will pop up saying "Client Loading Persistent Database" and it shows a picture of all the parts of the persistant db (icons of the client, arma online database, and the MySQL) Ive stayed ingame for about 10 mins with that window open and a blackscreen but I can hear things going on the backround so i know that im "ingame" such as gunshots explosions etc. I have the port forwarded that the server itself uses, but the game appears to be stuck at that loading screen. Any suggestions?