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About cooljacob204

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  1. Did you even read anything? I did nothing of the sort and that is the issue. If you think I am cheating then go ahead and reproduce it. It is extremely easy to reproduce.
  2. So a few days ago I got banned from about half of Altis life and my favorite CTI. I kept joining them and then getting kicked from battle-eye saying battle-eye ban. I was quite confused at the time because I couldn't join any servers and it was not saying it was a global ban so I tab out to Google the error when I see I left cheat engine open! Before I felt like playing arma I was enjoying a session of Euro Trucks Simulator and my save file got corrupted (Couldn't modify my truck at all without the game crashing I think the multiplayer mod does this) so instead of redoing my level ~16 grind I popped open cheat engine gave myself about 2m and set my level to 16. My friend then messaged me asking to play Altis life which I agreed to and opened Arma without a second thought. Then I started getting booted for battle eye bans. I am now banned off of half of Altis life servers because a lot of them share a ban respiratory (Which is why I complained about custom anti-cheat in the title). And my favorite CTI server. I am sure I can get unbanned from the CTI but the Altis server admins are a lot more strict which is ok because I don't really play Altis life all that much. I think that it is just bad anti-cheat to ban a person for having a idle program open in the back round. I did NOT have Arma selected and it was in no way interacting with Arma. The most frustrating part is that it is only a server ban, if battle-eye thought I was hacking why didn't I get a global? Instead I get a ban from any server I tried to join while I had this program open in the background which is just plain old, bad anti-ban practices. I am not sure if it is battle-eye or custom server anti-hack stuff but I find it a bit ridiculous that I got banned from as many servers as I have without doing anything wrong other then having cheat engine installed and opened in the background. Also if this is custom anti-cheat then I am PISSED that they have access to my processes. Sorry for the rant I am just pissed that I got banned from a good 10 servers for forgetting I had cheat engine open. Cheat engine is a great tool for my single player games and I should not have to worry about receiving bans because I use it. TL;DR: Forgot I had cheat engine open from a Euro Truck Simulator session and got banned from a lot of servers.
  3. I have been plagued with this bug in arma were I cannot join any King of the hill servers. It would say hacking script not found, I would click ok then it would put me at the mission end screen. When I click ok nothing happens and when I click disconnect I get a blank blue screen not clickable, would not respond have to close arma by tabbing out. Figured ok I just won't play King of the Hill. Was fine for a few months but nope ofc something else had to happen. Now I cannot join any waste land servers. Same issue but with a white screen. Today when i tried to join a few wasteland servers I get "Banned" for the most of the popular ones? The faq? I figured it most have glitched because I tried joining while I deleted the battle eye files. Didn't realize it would not auto install it like arma2. So I find a wasteland server that I am not banned on and then I am back to my old issue with the white screen. I am using a fresh Arma install for this today (deleted and reinstalled everything, I have never hacked, not banned on battle eye, no mods and have a clear Arma catch. This is breaking the game for me and I have no idea what to do. I would love any help and I am willing to try and provide just about anything. Sorry about the clutter of text.
  4. cooljacob204

    Cannot deactivate explosive charge

    I believe you need a type of tool kit to defuse them.
  5. cooljacob204

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    Helicopters are capable of hovering upside down to a certain extent. Helicopters increase and decrease altitude by tilting there blades not by changing the speed of them so in order to hover upside down they just tilt them the opposite way. Now you would not do that in real life because it's pointless and dangerous, but it can be possible.
  6. cooljacob204

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Having a issue were whenever I select a ACE map other then Chernarnus it refuses to load it and redirects me the chernarnus. Anyone have a fix for this?
  7. Link to beta patch is dead can you please provide another one. Edit: Decided to work... you should still provide another one though... Edit2: Did not work for me :( Freaken dayz ruining my arma..