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About Trulz

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    You have to change it in your database. The column should be "cop_lvl" with the default value 0. Change it to a value between 1 - 7(1 = Cadet & 7 = Chief of Police).
  2. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    You can add checkpoints for example or move the NPCs to other locations. Cop cars get spawned through scripts so it's not necessary to place them on the map but in general, yes, you can add what you want(As long as it doesn't affect/crash any scripts).
  3. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    Is it the unzipped mission folder? If it can be edited it'll be listed in blue. If it's just the .pbo, you can't edit it.
  4. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    1. Download "PBO Manager" 2. Unzip the pbo with the "PBO Manager" 3. Place the unzipped mission folder in your ArmAs MPMissions folder 4. Start ArmA 5. Open up your own Server with: Multiplayer --> New 6. Select the Map und click edit at the bottom. You do it via the database. There's a column called "cop_lvl"(or something like that). If the value's 0 it means that the player is not whitelisted. You can give the player level 1 - 7(1 = Cadet - 2 = Patrol Officer - 3 = Sergeant - ... - 6 = SWAT - 7 = Chief of Police) Tutorial by BTNGaming
  5. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    Try to rename your folder and choose a name without blanks.
  6. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    Where is your "police_suv.paa" stored? The easiest way would be to create a folder in the "root directory"(Where folders like core, dialog, icons, etc. are) of the mission. Then you have to give the script the path to your .paa. It should look like this: ["textures\police_suv.paa","cop"] init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false; [color="#FF0000"]this addAction[""Cop Item Shop"",life_fnc_virt_menu,""cop""]; this addAction[""Cop Clothing Shop"",life_fnc_clothingMenu,""cop""];[/color] this addAction[""Police Equipment"",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,""police_equipment""];[/color] this addAction[""Police Officer"",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,""cop_patrol""]; this addAction[""Sergeant"",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,""cop_sergeant""]; this addAction[""Lieutenant"",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,""cop_lieutenant""]; this addAction[""Captain"",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,""cop_captain""]; this addAction[format[""%1 ($%2)"",[""license_cop_air""] call life_fnc_varToStr,[([""cair""] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,""cair"",0,false,false,"""",' !license_cop_air && playerSide == west '];"; If I'm not mistaken the two marked addAction-calls are not in use anymore. I can't say for sure but maybe this crashes something in someway.
  7. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    Does this happen with your own server or are you joining somewhere as a client? Do you use special characters in your name?
  8. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    First step to get your answer: Stop spamming this thread. I think every active user in this thread has already read what you need/want. It doesn't help in any way to post it every 30 - 60 minutes. From what I've seen in Tonics scripts there's no parameter like with the vehicles to assign a texture to clothing. Google for setObjectTexture and try around with that. Also, have a look at this: Link @derLandvogt: I'm rude to you because you keep spamming this thread. If no one answers it means that either way people don't want to help you or they don't know it either. Like I said at the beginning of this post, it doesn't help if you post your request every 30 - 60 minutes.
  9. Trulz

    Altis Life RPG

    You don't just call the yourlock.ogg. You have to "register" it first in your description.ext and then call it with say3d from the script. And don't ask how to do that now. Fucking google it. Etwas mehr Selbstständigkeit!
  10. Hey, I've built a Map on Celle 2 with the help of this DAC/HC-Tutorial. Everything's worked quite good so far but I have a problem with the DAC part of it. When I start the Mission with a HC present it gives me this error code: What the error log says:
  11. I've understood everything so far but I have problems with creating the DAC zones via script. It executes the script but no units get spawned. Where do I have your/Moonsoons DAC files? Do I have to unpack the DAC source.pbo and replace the files?
  12. Trulz


    Hey, I added some units and that worked just fine but I tried to add Pilots and Crewman instead of the "normal" US Army units and now they spawn at GridPos 000000 and won't get portet to the MHQ. Does someone know where to edit the script to get that working? I've searched through the script files but I can't find any unit classes. Just the one's for the Opfor units and the term WestSoldierClasses. Is there some way to edit that?
  13. Hey, I need some help with a little script I wrote. In that mission you have to find three mass graves to prove war crimes. The script itself works fine but my problem is that it's just executed on the client machine. That means everyone else can find those evidence and the "tskObj2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";" is also just executed on the client machine. I want the script to work "global". I've already tried to solve that with "?(!isServer): exit". Can someone help me with that? How do I execute that script for everyone? P.S.: I've tried Google and the search function. No solution so far. Greetings, Truls
  14. The value of _mkr is just one string. It's the actual marker name. I.e. "mkr1". This is the part of the other script that passes the mkr-value. About the random marker thing from createUnit array - Here's a quote from the Wiki: