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About Evil_SIG

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  1. Evil_SIG


    i have struggled for soooooooooo very long with this mod. not the installation, that was easy and went fine. so far not a single bug...bar one. and it has driven me absolutely insane. i got to the mission where i have to go to takistan and neutralize loy manara airport. however, i found a strange issue, after completing the side mission, and upon the next part starting...i realized i had no silenced weapons. it didnt cause a huge issue however it was mildy annoying...so i carried on, wiped out the mountain patrol and went to the over watch position to deal with the triple a at the airport. it was then i realized that i had no laser desigy. i scratched my head , searched every back pack and found batteries by no designator. tried rolling back ...and search the ammo boxes...nothing, no designator anywhere. i spent the next 3 days trying to figure it out doing many searches using different search parameters, and found nothing, as i was about to give up i came across these tiny off hand sentence in a random post about other bugs by sick1 "its on the atv if you didnt bring 1!". i swear i could have cried =/ sick1, if you come across this post, could you please , assuming you have time and are not busy working on new projects, double check the script on the ammo boxes and make sure they are fully loaded out to prevent this melon breaking issue popping up for other players in the future. i realize the mod is old, but it would be greatly appreciated. (ps, i do not think this is an addon related issue as im running as close to vanilla as i can atm and so far, this si the only weird thing i have come across) also, while im here, may i say how utterly fantastic your mod is. by far the best single player experience i have had so far, and i include BI's missions in that. the skins, voice acting , scripting , ai tweaking, and story driven missions are utterly a joy to play. hope to god that i can play this in co-op with my fellow Sigclan members, perhaps even with ace... god damn that would be epic thanks a million for the awesome hours of fun ive had so far with this mod. you sir are a legend and by god if BI dont support you guys, who put the effort in and clearly have the skill to produce such incredible work, in arma 3, ill pull my hair out an poop on their doorstep in protest! lol. ill be hoping you throw more missions at us and will be keeping my eye out for them in arma 2 and 3. :D