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About FelixTheCat

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  1. I was just wondering if arma 2 free allows importing 3dmodels i have played arma 2free on a sever with extra 3d models so i am intrested.
  2. in the editor in the trigger tab how do i script it to play sound on mission load my guess is..... on mission load = playsound "song" is that correct?
  3. I want to add a custom song or sound to the begining of mp mission when ppl spawn it will be a random spawn so i cannot use a trigger? can i have the sound play when a player loads and spawns?
  4. I am trying to add custom music to the begining of mp mission i have succeeded in making a trigger to play a sound but i do not want that because the mp mission has random spawning is there a way i can have a soundfile or song play when ppl spawn on map?