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About Seria17hri11er

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  1. Hello, I am playing a DUWS mission. I got a repair specialist, with a toolkit. However, when I select him, I can find no repair option anywhere in the menus. Is this possibly a probably with DUWS? Or am I in general doing something wrong?
  2. So is it still not possible to have an HQ unit enter a vehicle?
  3. Seria17hri11er

    Hind Combat Tips; Please Give Me

    Deleted this post.
  4. Hello. I really feel that Hinds should have at least 2 tutorials or this stuff I'm about to say should be covered in the manual. 1. Hovering. The fact that it takes gobs of collective to hover and is quite unstable in the hover--in comparison with the other TOH helis--would be a simple and very nice tutorial. 2. Combat - Performing an attack run with rockets. I jump into a combat challenge and quickly realize I am failing. Ok, lets see if there is a tutorial...nope. Ok, lets check the manual for info on how to perform an attack run...nothin... :j: So releasing this product with no advice on how to perform an attack run, or a tutorial on performing an attack run is--no offense--a Fail in my opinion. I have asked how to perform an attack run here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137235-Hind-Combat-Tips-Please-Give-Me
  5. Hello all. So I am having trouble figuring out exactly how to approach and attack ground targets using rockets and the cannon. I have successfully had my gunner fire rockets multiple times at ground targets. However, I cannot consistently get him to fire. What should I be doing? Should I be coming in at the target just 100 feet AGL and maintain it? Should I be dive bombing them keeping them in my sites? What is the tactic here to get the gunner to consistently fire? Thanks a million.