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Everything posted by FegelCineplex

  1. FegelCineplex

    ARMA3 banned in Iran

    [i]arma3_announcement=[/i][i][b][color=#0000ff]true[/color][/b][/i][i];[/i] [i]waituntil {alive "arma3_announcement"};[/i][i] sleep [b][color=#ffa500]3[/color][/b]; iran_gov addweapon "banhammer"; iran_gov hasweapon "banhammer"; [/i][i]arma3 allowdamage [color=#0000ff][b]true[/b][/color];[/i] [i]waituntil {!alive "arma3"};[/i] [i]arma3banned=[b][color=#0000ff]true[/color][/b];[/i]
  2. Hello. I recently installed the 1.60 patch. The setidentity code works with NPCs, but not on the player character. It worked before I installed it. Here's the description.ext code: class CfgIdentities { class Gunsche { name = "Otto Gunsche"; face = "Face01"; speaker = "Male04EN"; pitch = 1.00; glasses = "BlackSun"; }; class Hitler { name = "Adolf Hitler"; face = "Face74"; speaker = "Male03EN"; pitch = 0.95; glasses = "None"; }; class Fegelein { name = "Hermann Fegelein"; face = "Face95"; speaker = "Male01EN"; pitch = 0.92; glasses = "None"; }; class Himmler { name = "Heinrich Himmler"; face = "Face54"; speaker = "Male02EN"; pitch = 1.00; glasses = "Sunglasses"; }; class Himmler_T { name = "Heinrich Himmler"; face = "Face54"; speaker = "Male02EN"; pitch = 1.00; glasses = "None"; }; class Tukhachevsky { name = "Mikhail Tukhachevsky"; face = "Face105"; speaker = "Male01RU"; pitch = 0.91; glasses = "None"; }; class Jodl { name = "Alfred Jodl"; face = "Face03"; speaker = "Male02EN"; pitch = 1.05; glasses = "None"; }; class Burgdorf { name = "Wilhelm Burgdorf"; face = "Face60_Hair"; speaker = "Male05EN"; pitch = 1.00; glasses = "None"; }; class Zaitsev { name = "Vasily Zaitsev"; face = "Face43"; speaker = "Male03RU"; pitch = 1.09; glasses = "None"; }; class Armstrong { name = "Michael Armstrong"; face = "Face15"; speaker = "Male03EN"; pitch = 1.05; glasses = "Delta_glasses"; }; }; I'm seriously annoyed by this issue because it somehow works on the campaigns and tutorials. I have carefully checked the forum for any similar issues, and they don't help. If you ask, I have many addons installed with 3 "big" mods: Project 85, Nogovan Armed Forces, and Sahrani Rearmed.
  3. FegelCineplex

    Any big city maps?

    Notify me if I make any mistakes, and move this thread if this is posted on the wrong section. Okay, so we already got many city-themed islands like Star Light City, Experimental City Island, Crime City, Cecenian Island etc. So I wanted to use a really big city island for my level. I kinda felt that all the city islands I have DL'ed (SLC and Economic City), are either too small for my level, doesn't fit the level's atmosphere and setting, didn't have so many things on it, etc. I keep asking myself 'till I got confused: which island should I choose?
  4. So I'm currently having issues with waypoint conditions. Let's say that a two-man squad must kill a target in order to proceed further. position[]={9585.652344,29.834999,3997.400635}; description="movehere"; expCond="not alive target"; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; And below is the code for the target that must be killed. position[]={9586.404297,29.834999,3885.940186}; id=2; side="EAST"; vehicle="SoldierEB"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="target"; I wanted the squad to move after they killed the target, but whenever I tested, the squad always moved to that area without killing the target first. What am I doing wrong here? Sorry if I sound a bit too harsh.
  5. FegelCineplex

    Arma Memes...
