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About Retcher

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    Systems Engineer

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  1. Hey, I've rolled backup to 1.60. At the moment when I get the errors nothing of 1.62 is implemted. The server files version ist 1.60 94743. I separated the updated files of 1.62 in an other directory and have made a backup of the 1.60 files, so don't have to upload them again if I make a mistake.
  2. So guys I just checked if I can join the server but it wasn't possible. Everytime a user wants to join, I get this output: 16:33:55 Dedicated host created. 16:33:56 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.126) 16:33:56 Host identity created. ArmA 2 OA Console version 1.60 : port 2302 - Sockets 16:35:17 FF_DarthVader uses modified data file 16:35:17 Player FF_DarthVader connecting. 16:35:18 Player FF_DarthVader connected (id=100674). 16:35:18 BattlEye Server: Player #0 FF_DarthVader ( connected Cannot open file 'MPMissions\co30_Domination_2_28A2_East_R_OA.Takistan.pbo' Warning Message: No entry '.CfgMissions'. Warning Message: No entry '.MPMissions'. WATCHDOG (25720): [so 19. Aug 16:35:19 CEST 2012] Server died, waiting to restart... WATCHDOG (25720): [so 19. Aug 16:35:24 CEST 2012] Starting server (port 2302)... Cannot register unknown string STR_FXAA Cannot register unknown string STR_SHARP Cannot register unknown string STR_SMAA Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_GRASS Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEOA Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEOA_GRASS Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEA2 Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEA2_GRASS Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEOA_TREEA2 Cannot register unknown string STR_ATOC_TREEOA_TREEA2_GRASS 16:35:27 Dedicated host created. 16:35:28 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.126) 16:35:28 Host identity created. Also the update to 1.62 has failed. I uploaded every changed file, like Overlord said. This were about 50 MB.
  3. Thanks for your help guys, server seems to run fine. At the moment I haven't installed ArmA myself so I cann't check it.
  4. Hey guys, which server version should I use? The last 1.60 beta or the stable once? @Overlord: Thanks for this tip. I'll try this.
  5. Hi, thank you for your help. I will try this at the weekend. But first I've to upload the new version of ArmA 2 OA :(
  6. Hey guys, a few weeks ago I tried several times to set up an ArmA2 OA Server on my linux root. I followed several howto's, but every time I just get errors when starting the server. I'm not able to provide any logs, because the server was reinstalled a few days ago. Does anyone has a working howto? My clanmates starting to become angry, because the server is still not running. My second problem is, that I have an uploaded ArmA2 OA installation with patch 1.60. Is there any possibility to patch these files to the actual patch? Kind regards Retcher
  7. Hey guys, I would like to set up a mirror for the ArmA2 patches. How do I have to do this? Some years ago I set up a mirror for CentOS and at the moment my server is a little bit boring. Can someone please privode me the steps I have to do? Kind regards Retcher