Basically here is what I want to do...
Whenever a bullet hits the player, his aim moves up. So i wanted to disable the fire geometry so that when the bullets hits the player, he does not budge or move but stand. I searched up and found disablegeo on resources.bistudio.
Description:Turns different geometry settings on and off.
A true argument turns the specific setting OFF.
Syntax: object disableGeo [visibility, fire, view, collision, roadways, shadows]
object: Object
visibility: Boolean - Toggles object's visibility
fire: Boolean - Toggles object's fire geometry
view: Boolean - Toggles object's view geometry
collision: Boolean - Toggles object's collision geometry
roadways: Boolean - Toggles object's roadways (V1.50+)
shadows: Boolean - Toggles object's shadows (V1.50+)
The problem with this command is that it also makes player immune to shots and he do not get any dammage, (the same as player allowdammage false) which i dont want. I want the player to be able to die, but just not budge when bullets hit him...
Any suggestions of what i could do....???