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About vviivveekkk

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  1. vviivveekkk

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    hey thanks for the suggestion... but what i want to do is the player's body should not react to the oncoming bullets in any way...he should not move, nudge etc...but want to record how many bullets hit him, so i can assign his health that way.... I was using evnet handler first, but when i use "disableGeo", the player completely ignores the bullets, no harm taken... :-(
  2. vviivveekkk

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Basically here is what I want to do... Whenever a bullet hits the player, his aim moves up. So i wanted to disable the fire geometry so that when the bullets hits the player, he does not budge or move but stand. I searched up and found disablegeo on resources.bistudio. disableGeo Description:Turns different geometry settings on and off. A true argument turns the specific setting OFF. Syntax: object disableGeo [visibility, fire, view, collision, roadways, shadows] Parameters: object: Object visibility: Boolean - Toggles object's visibility fire: Boolean - Toggles object's fire geometry view: Boolean - Toggles object's view geometry collision: Boolean - Toggles object's collision geometry roadways: Boolean - Toggles object's roadways (V1.50+) shadows: Boolean - Toggles object's shadows (V1.50+) The problem with this command is that it also makes player immune to shots and he do not get any dammage, (the same as player allowdammage false) which i dont want. I want the player to be able to die, but just not budge when bullets hit him... Any suggestions of what i could do....???