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Everything posted by oOShinigamiOo

  1. Hey so i built my machine, it's not working (of course) i know about one problem with the GPU and PSU as i need a 6 in PCI express which my PSU doesn't have, I have taken images and i am uploading them now so if any of can make sense of my poor camera skills could you tell me what else is wrong/missing etc.http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140617.jpg (392 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140609.jpg (419 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140546.jpg (285 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140540.jpg (268 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140531.jpg (313 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140515.jpg (292 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140501.jpg (217 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140439.jpg (369 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140422.jpg (317 kB) http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/oOShinigamiOo/2012-07-25140403.jpg (303 kB) I can also take the motherboard out and/or video it instead i that's preferred. ---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ---------- sorry for the double post but 10 is the maximum number of images in one post. last two are of the GPU i'll put specs on later... nvm it just doesn't like tags.
  2. thanks all in all i now have £60 left, still have hard drive (have an old 80GB that might work if theres not voltage issues) , CPU, heat sink, and network card (assuming the network card that was used in a motherboard which used a 1999 AMD athlon would work which i doubt not counting the voltage issues) ... i get paid soon so hopefully i'm covered.
  3. would any of these be good enough to play the game well enough (with dayz) (the second one is used ones) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Asus-nVIDIA-GeForce-Graphics-Express/dp/B005G50ET6/ref=sr_1_6?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1342037767&sr=1-6 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Asus-EN8800GTX-HTDP-768M-GF8800GT/dp/B000KDWT1K/ref=sr_1_5?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1342047389&sr=1-5 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nvidia-Geforce-8600GT-Videocard-PCI-Express/dp/B002TLX87K/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1342047389&sr=1-1 http://www.cclonline.com/product/69770/VX67701GBD5HV2/Graphics-Cards/VTX3D-ATI-Radeon-HD-6770-1GB-Graphics-Card/VGA1595/
  4. cheers mate, i really wasn't sure with motherboards so any motherboard with LGA1155 will do, thanks. edit: uhm, which GPU would go best with this mother board First GPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Asus-DirectCU-Graphics-Express-4840MHz/dp/B007OYS4R6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1342025295&sr=8-2 Second GPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007JRGRPO/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller= Mother board: http://www.cclonline.com/product/78779/H61M-P31-G3-/Motherboards/MSI-H61M-P31-G3-Socket-1155-Motherboard/MBD0366/ although if theres any good GPU for a bit less that would be nice preferrably under £100
  5. will i need a certain motherboard (obviously one with LGA1155 socket) but is there a certain bunch i should pick from or is one with LGA1155 and DDR3 ram ports good enough?
  6. well it was linked on amazon but i'll check it out first, see if it's legit. on the bright side i currently have under £300 in my account so if it's not legit atleast i'm not losing that much. the best thing about being 17 year old student.
  7. hey I'm double checking if this CPU is good enough for Arma 2 (and the dayZ mod) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-Sandybridge-Dual-Core-Processor-Warranty/dp/B004FA8NXM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1341911877&sr=8-2 and also this, if either will run the game ok can you let me know which would do so the best please. http://eyecomputers.co.uk/intel-core-processor-p-1438.html
  8. lol thanks for the tip, though i'm actually too skinny... you know you're skinny when two different girlfriends say you either have a womanly figure, or that you'd be a great uke... (an uke is the "reciever" in a homosexual relationship) gaining weight is hard >_>
  9. British, plenty of chubby kids but not as many as america.
  10. well cheers, i can see about getting a cheap case from college maybe motherboard and cables, but parts i'll probably have to either buy online or wait until i go to leeds again considering the few IT shops in the countryside overcharge you, *sigh* sometimes i miss living in leeds... then i remember all the white teenagers trying to be stereotypical black people and then i become happy about living here.
  11. thanks, i'll keep looking, if i cant then i suppose i'll build my own, I do at least have experience with that from college. if you know any good sites for buying components that would be great.
  12. I'm looking for a new PC that I can play Arma 2 and possibly other games on, so since I don't have much experience with how much better processors and graphics cards are than others I was wondering if I posted the specs on here that someone could tell me if the are sufficient to play arma 2 and other games smoothly, if they aren't could you please post links to a webpage for a computer that would but isn't too expensive, I would prefer it to cost around £300 but £500 is my maximum. Intel Core Celeron G530 Dual Core CPU 2.4GHz AMD HD6570 1GB PCI-E Direct X11 Heres the link for it. http://ebuyer.com/369702-cyberpower-...ng-pc-ecc01112 Can someone also tell me if this would run it smoothly. (partly because some of the info is a mess but from my experience it seems good for the price.) http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ciatsh&cp=8&gs_id=7p&xhr=t&q=gaming+pc&safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=664&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8628717101916393509&sa=X&ei=wOH6T6S3IMmphAeUj4nUBg&sqi=2&ved=0CIsBEPMCMAM
  13. oOShinigamiOo

    Are these specs sufficient?

    Hey, I'm new to this forum so sorry if this is in the wrong section but I'm looking for a new PC that I can play Arma 2 and possibly other games on, so since I dont have much experience with how much better a processors and graphics cards are than others I was wondering if I posted the specs on here that someone could tell me if the are sufficient to play arma 2 and other games smoothly, if they aren't could you please post links to a webpage for a computer that would but isn't too expensive, I would prefer it to cost around £300 but £500 is my maximum. Intel Core Celeron G530 Dual Core CPU 2.4GHz AMD HD6570 1GB PCI-E Direct X11 Heres the link for it. ebuyer.com/369702-cyberpower-artillery-300-gaming-pc-ecc01112
  14. oOShinigamiOo

    Are these specs sufficient?

    Thanks but I'm not looking to run it on my current machine, I'm looking to buy a new one and I want to know of the specs are sufficient, or for suggestion for PC's that do run the game smoothly.