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About vaaern

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  1. vaaern

    User mission requests!

    Oh wow, that sounds perfect! Thanks!
  2. vaaern

    User mission requests!

    Is there any mission, or is it possible to make one that acts like some sort of battlefield type mission? Like battlefield 2 that is, where you used to capture certain points by using staying at a flag for a period of time. But then with enemy patrols, not only soldiers but tanks and helicopters etc too. Basicly something like this= 1. you head to a village 2. beat the enemy there 3. take over 4. repeat (you win when you take over all villages). It doesn't have to be anything fancy, I'd just like something that's a bit dynamic so it's replayable, and also something tense. (I saw people play a mission they made in, what they said, 10 minutes. Those were amazing. Though they don't share that particular mission sadly). Thanks in advance!