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Everything posted by onyxphase

  1. I'm doing some debugging of server and client add-ons, and would like to add the ability to add test commands to the game. I've envisioned using the chat box as a command window to run some commands that I've written into the add-ons. If this isn't possible is there another way for a player to fire an event, and have the server execute it. I've seen things such as the BattleEye Rcon, and the #exec command. I'm not sure if these would get me what I needed. Direct access to modify player data is needed.
  2. onyxphase


    I've read through your tutorials, but was unsure if i could write something that didn't require that i pass it the data first. lets mock up a quick idea hear. I want the plugin always have the most up to date list of all active players objects. would i have to have the scripting language pass it to the .net object, or would i be able to grab player from the .net plugin?
  3. onyxphase


    I'd like to use arma2net to initialize a .net process that has access to modify server, and player data. Is this something I could actually do or would something have to be written to use it like this.