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Everything posted by Stockishgsr

  1. Stockishgsr

    Weapon Sway Tweaking

    I know I am way late to the party, but I noticed that weapon sway while prone is just too much. I don't ever remember having that much movement in real life during military training even without a bipod. Trying to nail a target a 800+ meters, while doable just seems like it takes much more work than it should with the sniper rifle in game currently. Hopefully it gets toned down to a more realistic level soon, not a game breaker just something that has bothered me since Operation Flashpoint but ignored it due to me still being able to complete missions or scenarios.
  2. Stockishgsr

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Ah nice! That is kind of what I figured after cruising the new maps to see where it was, thanks for the link I will have to try this out soon.
  3. Stockishgsr

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I know I am a little late to the party but I noticed that the screenshot with the flooded town isn't on the new maps. I'm guessing that it was part of the campaign or something? Would make for some decent rescue or patrol type missions.