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Posts posted by includao

  1. Ok, update,

    #2 and #3, from last post, are indeed fixed by going to: "Start | Run | msconfig | Boot | Advanced | maxmory = 4096; reboot and play". No more problems with Vanilla, Beta, or Modded. you guys are right again, this is both a 32/64 bit addressing (sickboy) problem and the problem's amplified by the Driver's state (Dwarden)... So I'm waiting for a driver / patch?

    The BAF and PMC Installers are still not working, however, I noticed this on sprocket: "Did you receive missing 'msvcp71.dll' message while using the downloader? Then just download these two DLL files: MSVCP71.DLL and msvcr71.dll and place them in the same directory as your sprocket.exe downloader." on sprocket's site... I vaguely remember 7.1 is VC++2003 and/or .net 1.1 and I caught some late reading about mscvcp71 needs an SDK...

    There are understandably no Win 8 Support, but that is what I am doing :) testing win8 in a full-production environment,

    ...yes ArmA testing is included

    So no patch for this? Any plans on supporting Windows 8 when it is FULLY released?
