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About GCVictory

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  • Interests
    Causing General Mayhem Eating, Sleep, Having fun, School, Work The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Casan
  • Occupation
    Cardiovascular Assistant I

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  • Biography
    I spend most of my working time either at a local hospital, working for the military, studying for dentistry, or keeping fit. Keeping fit and healthy crosses over into my free time because I enjoy it. Other than doing stuff that requires lots of physical effort and tons of "suck it up" mental talk, other free time activities I enjoy fall under a "the sky is the limit" category.I don't have any particular interests i'm fond of other than preparing to move to different countries to become more culturally diverse and fluent in foreign languages, but in general I like doing new things because you never know what you find you might like! Hahaha. So far in Florida, i've liked Fairchild Gardens, St. Augustine, Bayside, Key West, IMAX at Fort Lauderdale, and Michy's restuarant near downtown Miami. Socially - I get just fine through group events and am decent at meeting and introducing people, but i'm more of a reserved personality and quiet on the inside. Ironic since i'm great at public speaking and leading classrooms.
  1. My training mission appears to be bugged. I cannot leave the Osprey to land on the LZ. Perhaps it has something to do with my custom keybindings. I use the action menu but I only get "Gear" and my "Get Out" and "Eject" hotkeys do not do anything. Parachuting to me is completely alien. What do you do and what key is it binded too?