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Posts posted by sky770

  1. Hey all,

    Its been quite some time since I got decent help from Placebo (I still remember that :p & thanks a ton again :) ) here on BoFo

    from where to buy cheap copies of arma x :cool:

    So, now that I have arma 3 on Steam and also the ArmA collection (including arma x) is on steam's sale

    I was hoping to get some tips for:

    -whether I can try out my retail box's keys to activate a copy of arma x on steam (on the same machine where retail copy is installed);

    offcourse *if* once activated I'll un-install my retail installed files and stuff(mods..ACRE/dayz).

    - anyone up for a trade here? :p

    - will that result in a ban from battleye (for both trading and/or trying to activate myretail copy on steam)?



    Psst: MODs pls don't flame me for asking this question; this might've been asked in some other way round but I wasn't able to find any latest references to my question(s).:confused:

  2. Hey all,

    First of all Thanks for providing us with this awesome MOD! I am totally excited just by seeing videos on youtube..looking forward to play it asap. :D

    But, I am having a problem in downloading this particular mod: "@ACEX" using Six Updater as its pretty huge file of ~784MB

    I checked out the version info using SixUpdater and this resolves to this mod: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/b1f84534-a754-11de-b50f-0021855d3b6d

    This is the last file I need for up and running my ACE mod(s), a direct question here.. Can I download the same file directly? Would like to get the direct link to this mod so that I can use a download manager or something with resume functionality :|

    Because whenever I comeback after getting back my connection to the internet..I have to click on "verify and repair mods" and then SU starts it redownlaod the whole mod again :( is there any workaround for this?

    Also, I saw the release given here: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/ACE_1_13#Downloads is some ~500'ish MB and is revision 253? Whereas the one on the link above^ is revision 365.

    Please help me out coz I really want to get my hands on ACE and learn something new and awesome! :D

    Note: Sorry forum MOD/OP if I ruined this thread but couldn't find any particular place to start my own thread :| Please move it as you like.


    Armarize'd it :D. Its running fine for now



  3. Hey all,

    First of all Thanks for providing us with this awesome MOD! I am totally excited just by seeing videos on youtube..looking forward to play it asap. :D

    UPDATE: nvm I just cut/pasted my issue posted earlier here..on my own :D



  4. How much was the postage from Thailand to India?


    Really sorry for replying back so late..din't checked the post. :D

    Postage was around 320 Thai Baht.

    From XE currency calc (my fav :) ) it comes around to be 600 INR :|

    Usually international courier from India (box pack) are priced nearly the same..so in all, it's still a bargain for me :D

    I have been thankful to the shipping ppl that my package arrived safely (Indian Customs Department sucks :P :|).

    Zest guys had packed it nicely in a cardboard box.

    Also their customer support has been fine..Had to make a call to their hotline no. At first a Thai speaking lady picked up my call..and I had to say "Do you speak English.. Anyone English?" was funny :D

    looking forward to play ArmA III Public Alpha/Beta rollout :bounce3:



  5. Hi all,

    The latest update for v.1.60 is updated on 11.07.12 (as seen here ) but the files I found are all from 22.12.2011.

    Can somebody post me the link to the latest build of v.1.60 patch..the one released on 11.07.12? (they are tagged on the update page as: Uploaded: 22.12.11 Modified: 11.07.12 )

    UPDATE: nvm..I installed the Dec 2011 patch v.1.60

    Everything seems fine for now..

    Thanks & Regards,


  6. Hi,

    I have installed arma2 and the 3-in-1 arma 2 OA installer (also having BAF+PMC DLCs in it) from my Arma X retail box.

    But my version is coming up as 1.59.xx95 (dont remember xx :| )

    So, can I apply the v.1.60 update directly? or should I install the arma 2 patch v.1.11 first and then install v.1.60 patch?

    Also, I got to see this error message just at the end of installing disc 4 (disc for OA 3-in-1 installer):http://i46.tinypic.com/2co61pe.png (215 kB)

    Is it normal?

    UPDATE: I saw this and now i got it :D

    but ssup with the error message(in the screenshot above)? :|



  7. Hi all :),

    I just bought my boxed copy of ArmA X: Anniversary Edition.

    (thanks to Placebo for suggesting me to get it off ZEST (Thailand); delivery was quick and I got it for nearly 1129 Thai Baht (shipping included which alone was 309 baht :O).

    Anyways..now that I have it now :D my eyes are on ArmA3 :p

    here are few questions that I have:

    - I have 4 discs in the box..out of which I found that the one containing the Arma2: OA it also has the BAF and the PMC DLCs.

    Is it containing the low textured versions of BAF/PMC? ..is it possible to compress the Operation Arrowhead and both of DLCs in a single DVD..that too full textured?

    - I want to save my the settings (keyboard mapping etc.) from my existing install of Arma2: Free. I will be uninstalling arma2: Free but is it possible to retain the settings? Which file do i need to copy/paste?

    - same as above but now for "multiplayer maps".. How can I retain them? is it possible to enjoy the same maps of arma2: free on my full install of high textured arma X?

    - How should I go about to install things? I do hav limited disk space so i am considering just to install the arma 2 series (only the OA/CO and the DLCs) :)

    - What about the updates? should I install the updates for each of them (OA/CO/DLCs) after I have installed all of them?

    - Latest update patches that I found out was: 1.60 for Arma2 OA/CO and 1.03, 1.02 (not sure about these, but somewhat like it only) for BAF/PMC.

    So should I just apply these one after the another..after installing finishing the regular install of the game?

    Any piece of advice will be appreciated,



  8. Hey :),

    That did it. Now I figured out what went wrong last time..I was trying to login using the form given on the right hand side of the website.

    Well, now I have a new small prob. I want to pay using my credit/debit card. So has anyone done that before on ZEST ? I mean there were some instructions written in Thai on the website when I clicked on pay and selected VISA/CREDIT CARD:


    I translated them using translate.google.com and it din't really made sense to me :| They want to me to send some kind of confirmation.

    Please help, I am this* close for my Arma X pack :D

    UPDATE: Just ordered it. I was able to complete my payment after googling out how to proceed with the payment thingy on ZEST :D

    Thanks a lot..for holding my hand through the process :)

    Thanks & Regards,


    Pssst: When's ARMA3 rolling out? :D Want to pre-order it (muahahaha 8) )

  9. Yes Zest are legitimate and as far as I'm aware are happy with international customers, I have contacted them in the past and they've responded to my email so maybe just wait a little longer, as far as I could see from the advert that was the boxed version (well I assumed it was!) we shall keep looking ;)

    Whenever I click on buy, the login page comes up. And I have tried creating an account for 3 separate times. Everytime whenever I try to log in it says please contact our customer care at ## no. or email them, sometimes it says wrong password!? You have # attempts left after that your account will be blocked.

    Why is it so hard for them to make a proper functioning online ordering system? Is it some kind of banking system? Even EA doesn't have this much of tighter security workaround :p

    I have tried calling them up. the number basically isn't reachable nor is there any reply from them :(

    Can you do me a favor placebo? Can you create an account for me? I can give you my email address. Rest of the details like the postal address can be changed after creating the account I suppose? So that shouldn't be a problem. :) Just fill up arbitrary info. on the postal address etc.


  10. Hi,

    I tried registering an account with ZEST but was unable to login.. the system said wrong password? but i had entered it correct!

    I tried resetting my password, tried with it.. but then again wrong password! :/ I guess they don't like/want international customers. I tried creating 2 separate accounts but to no avail :(. Anyone please any alternative to ZEST but with similar price range? (only box pack versions) ?

  11. I moved your post here as there are numerous existing threads about where to buy.

    What about Zest in Thailand? https://www.zest.co.th/content/view/id/10964/


    wow..thanks for moving my post here :)

    regarding Zest.. I guess its a digital download as the discs section in the product description is just having a " - " dash* ? i.e none?

    Anyways I have fired n email to their customer support lets see how they respond. Is this merchant legit? O_o

    Thanks & Regards,


  12. Hi all :),

    I want to buy ARMA X- Anniversary Edition but a Box Pack (collection of DVDs) as I won't be able to afford to download 20+gigs (as I am in India; internet bandwidth here is damn expensive :x ).

    so, I am unable to find the best deal.. the one on Bohemia's online store looked as if it is an online download purchase. (which probably it is for sure).

    I have also posted 2 emails regarding the same to Bohemia's support also (just to be sure). I would really like to buy the game (after enjoying countless hours on Arma 2: Free. Can somebody please guide me to a link from where I can do the same? I came across this here and this one too but as both of these differ by their "Region" dependent distribution copies so I am unsure which to buy. (I am wondering if I get the "Asia" version then all the good HD stuff would be blocked/stripped out :'( ) Please suggest :)

    Also I want to support the devs for providing us with this wonderful game (no doubt I am going to buy ARMA: III also.. infact I am right now looking to pre-order it :D if you guys have come across any legit website doing so then pls tell me now I want to get it before I actually order the ARMA X: Anniversary edition and run out of all greens $$$ :D )

    Thanks & Regards,

