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About eagledude4

  • Rank
    Gunnery Sergeant

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  1. eagledude4

    GRAD Trenches

    May I suggest support for Bektov? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31454
  2. eagledude4

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    @teabagginpeople that's a great idea, but it would require a whole rebuild of the workshop, which valve likely won't do. Also, you're concept will not prevent the re-uploads, but will make the
  3. eagledude4

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    I can't even tell you how many times I've had difficulty finding an official mod because I had to dig through all of the re-uploads @Auss That RIB SOSAY guy's a tool. He asks for permission AFTER he rips the buildings from your map and then pretends that its okay because you used harsh words. I think its funny that anyone who comes out against his theft is "Salty" https://i.gyazo.com/80920746d5e26a712b357838f14022e4.png
  4. I'm trying to use regex_replace to replace single backslashes with double backslashes in a string, and although it works when ran from my debug box, it returns a blank string when ran on a dedicated server, { if (_x find "\" > -1) then { _newString = "regex_replace" callExtension format ["|\\|\\|%1",_x]; diag_log format ["new string: %1",_newString]; _textures set [_forEachIndex,_newString]; }; } forEach _textures;
  5. It appears as though the TM46 anti-tank mine doesnt have a sound when it explodes, and also allows infantry to trigger it.
  6. eagledude4

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I'm having difficulty implementing Task Force Radio with my mission that uses a "KeyDown" displayAddEventHandler. None of the events in my handler occur
  7. eagledude4

    Game Logic Not Working Properly

    I'm pretty sure allowDammage/allowDammage isn't local. From the wiki: For your nearestObjects param, "Building" should be the parent class for all of those sub classes you listed. @JShock: I think he's using the game logic in the map editor, so I think isServer should be used. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Screenshot of Bulldozer at the lowest altitude: buldozer.cfg: language="English"; forcedAdapterId=-1; detectedAdapterId=0; detectedAdapterVendorId=4318; detectedAdapterDeviceId=4100; detectedAdapterSubSysId=-2073489341; detectedAdapterRevision=161; detectedAdapterBenchmark=47; winX=0; winY=0; winWidth=1920; winHeight=1040; winDefWidth=1024; winDefHeight=768; fullScreenWidth=1920; fullScreenHeight=1080; renderWidth=1920; renderHeight=1080; multiSampleCount=8; multiSampleQuality=0; particlesQuality=2; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=16; vsync=0; AToC=15; cloudsQuality=4; pipQuality=3; dynamicLightsQuality=4; PPAA=8; ppSSAO=3; ppCaustics=1; tripleBuffering=0; ppSharpen=0; ppBloom=1; ppRotBlur=1; ppRadialBlur=1; ppDOF=1; buldozer.Arma3Profile: version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; maxSamplesPlayed=96; anisoFilter=16; textureQuality=4; shadowQuality=5; tripleHead=0; useExtendetInfoType=1; sceneComplexity=1000000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=3800; preferredObjectViewDistance=3200; terrainGrid=3.125; volumeCD=10; volumeFX=10; volumeSpeech=10; volumeVoN=10; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; gamma=1; brightness=1; fovTop=0.75; fovLeft=1; uiTopLeftX=0.074999988; uiTopLeftY=0.074999988; uiBottomRightX=0.92500001; uiBottomRightY=0.92500001; IGUIScale=0.85000002;
  9. 100% agree. Why bash a community of people who participate in a gameplay style you personally have never experienced? And to the OP: Punishing crimes by kicks and bans? What shitty RP server have you been playing? I don't think I've even seen a "cops and robbers" server before. Usually Roleplaying server offers gameplay to people not interested in PVP at all. That being said, the description for this mod is misleading, as there's next to nothing to show for this mod currently. Asking for donations with notihng to show is a shitty move in my opinion.
  10. Frequently throughout the day, this keeps happening: 15:05:46 BattlEye Server: Failed to receive from BE Master (2) 15:05:46 BattlEye Server: Update attempt failed 15:08:02 BattlEye Server: Could not connect to BE Master 15:08:02 BattlEye Server: Update attempt failed 15:09:04 Player scott is losing connection 15:09:24 Player Jinxs kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding 15:09:25 Player Jinxs disconnected. 15:09:25 Player scott kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding 15:09:25 Player scott disconnected. 15:09:32 Player KOOLAID is losing connection 15:09:53 Player KOOLAID kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding 15:09:53 Player KOOLAID disconnected. Has anyone had a similar issue? How can this issue be resolved?
  11. eagledude4

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Getting this error: Error in expression <; _request = format["VERSION %1 %2 %3", TF_ADDON_VERSION, tf_radio_channel_name,> Error position: <TF_ADDON_VERSION, tf_radio_channel_name,> Error Undefined variable in expression: tf_addon_version File task_force_radio\functions\fn_sendVersionInfo.sqf, line 21 Error in expression <ss = true; for: call TFAR_fnc_sendVersionInfo (with the latest version)
  12. I call the function with a handler: shopKeyHandler = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call ED4_fnc_onKeyPressShop"]; "checkInput" isn't writing to chat. //By Eagledude4 systemChat "checkInput"; _key = _this select 1; _keylist = [ 11, //0 key 2, //1 key 3, //2 key 4, //3 key 5, //4 key 6, //5 key 7, //6 key 8, //7 key 9, //8 key 10, //9 key 82, //num 0 79, //num 1 80, //num 2 81, //num 3 75, //num 4 76, //num 5 77, //num 6 71, //num 7 72, //num 8 73 //num 9 ]; _control = (findDisplay 2003) displayCtrl 1; _cursel = lbCurSel _control; if (!(_key in _keylist)) exitWith { false }; if (_key in [11, 82]) exitwith { if (ctrlText 2 == "") then { _data = lbData [_control, _cursel]; _data = call compile _data; _item = _data select 0; systemChat format ["You must buy atleast 1 %1", _item]; false }; }; [_control, _cursel] call ED4_fnc_buyDialogUpdate; true
  13. Is there any way to cause events to occur when clicking diary records in the map? I'd like to create a way to filter map markers in this way. I was thinking using an onclick eventhandler for the diary display, but I have no clue how to find the ID
  14. ATM.hpp class atmmenu { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {deposit, withdraw, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.19; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.19; text = "Choose an Option"; }; class deposit : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "Deposit"; action = "closedialog 0; createDialog ""atmmenu_deposit"""; }; class withdraw : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "Withdraw"; action = "closedialog 0; createDialog ""atmmenu_withdraw"""; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; class atmmenu_deposit { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; text = "Choose an Amount"; }; class 5 : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$5"; action = "[""Deposit"", 5] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 10 : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$10"; action = "[""Deposit"", 10] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 20 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$20"; action = "[""Deposit"", 20] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 50 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.43; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$50"; action = "[""Deposit"", 50] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 100 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.48; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$100"; action = "[""Deposit"", 100] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 200 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.53; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$200"; action = "[""Deposit"", 200] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.58; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; class atmmenu_withdraw { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; text = "Choose an Amount"; }; class 5 : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$5"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 5] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 10 : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$10"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 10] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 20 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$20"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 20] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 50 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.43; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$50"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 50] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 100 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.48; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$100"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 100] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 200 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.53; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$200"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 200] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.58; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; none of the buttons that call ED4_fnc_ATM seem to actually call the function, but they do close the dialog. fn_ATM: //By Eagledude4 _type = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; systemChat "TEST"; switch _type do { case "Deposit": { if (("money" call INV_getItemAmount) < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; Bankbalance = Bankbalance + _amount; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Deposited", _amount]; case "Withdraw": { if (Bankbalance < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; ['money', _amount] call INV_AddInvItem; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Withdrawn", _amount]; }; }; The systemChat "TEST" doesn't execute, and there are no errors in my rpt.