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About SalaKrestu

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  1. SalaKrestu

    Vehicle Quality

    That is NOT *MY* frigging work. It's more likely to be Bohemia's. I am just making observations here, I am NOT demanding anything to anybody. Let's not be over-polemic.
  2. SalaKrestu

    Vehicle Quality

    I didn't think about that, but yeah, you have a point there. I too hope somebody is gonna mod this stuff in, if the devs decide it's not worth it...
  3. SalaKrestu

    Vehicle Quality

    What he said. I understand tanks interiors are not required but some tridimensional peepholes (the M113 APC had it ingame, if I recall correctly) for the driver and the commander are necessary to give you the idea you are inside of something. There is no need for ultra fancy stuff, I think a generic cockpit should do the trick and add to the realism/immersion. The gunner should be fine with the traditional overlay/target-thingy though.
  4. SalaKrestu

    Vehicle Quality

    That would look awesome in a triple screen (eyefinity/surround) setup. As a sim hardcore fan I would double my ArmA 3 budget to have detailed cockpits in game. Also, clickable cockpits would be a dream, but I know I'd be asking too much...