A Propos de Nous
The 27e Bataillon de Chasseurs-Alpins is an ArmA II: Combined Operations regiment, which is focused around ground and air operations, such as parachute operations and ground assault too. Not only do we operate on ArmA, but we also operate on other games, such as Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars, and we are not just a regiment, but a group of friends. We combine proffessionalism with fun and we make sure that the regiment is the best environment for play that it can be. If you're interested in joining the regiment, you can add the leader, Colonel Convader, here.
We are English speaking, however we are based around a French battalion - the 27th Battalion of Mountain Rangers (27e Bataillon de Chasseurs-Alpins). We operate using teamspeak (88th.ts3dns.com) and steam - we have our own teamspeak server and a steam group too, through which you can see the events organised. Currently, we have multiple trainings a week based around teaching the men the basics and the military tactics used by the Regiment. We use multiple mods that enhance gameplay for everyone - in particular, and probably the pride of our regiment, is the Operation French Point mod that we use - it allows us to play as a whole new unit and play in a whole new environment too, with new weapons and many other capabilities which generally make this regiment one that is very unique, with its own specific mod list including many famous mods like ACRE and ACE. Overall, this makes the regiment even more unique, given that it is one of the only English speaking regiments based around the French military, a nice change of pace from every other clan or regiment based around British or American troops and regiments. We offer an experience unlike any other by using such mods, though that is not to say that we are incredibly serious because of such mods - we are a more relaxed regiment in comparison to others: we enjoy realism too, however we like to make sure that everyone has as much fun as possible. Consequently we are not too strict and we know each other on a more personal level, as friends, playing other games too.
Organisation du Régiment
The Regiment is organised into two companies, currently - a ground company (comprised of two sections) and an air company (currently only comprised of one section). The ground company is the backbone of the Regiment, the guys on the ground, whereas the men of the air company are the pilots, they make our job possible. Their professional piloting allows the soldiers to be dropped in and extracted from a battlefield. The regiment is set up as follows: a battalion will be made of 2 companies, and each company is made of 2 sections (or fire teams). A section consists of 8 men, two sections to a company means 16 men. However, each company is led by the officer staff of the company - a Capitaine and a Sergent Chef. Bringing the total count of a company up to 18, therefore 36 to a battalion. The Regiment is led by a Colonel - Convader.