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About steven09

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  1. hey i was wondering if someone could possibly make a video of how to edit domination or could possibly help me on teamviewer because i have read through all these topics how to moddify domination in arma 2 but for somereason i cant even get it working i tryed posting it on the fourms of my clans website but that doesnt work like i exported it to mp but it doesnt work and i tried everything and everything on youtube is just telling me how to script but i dont need that i need to learn how to modify domination. and sorry if this is the wrong topic to say this to but i am new i just joined like 3 mins ago to reply and see if anyone would help me out. if anyone could find a link on youtube how to moddify domination on arma feel free to send it to me but i really dont want how to script arma. and thanks ahead of time