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Posts posted by Mouse90112

  1. OMG guys i finally got it lol to be honest i dont know what worked persay but i restarted the computer after i got a bad serial number given in setup and it finally launched. Thank you so much for the help, I truly am appreciative!:yay:

    ---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

    Ok well i have everything set up i just need to access the Combined Ops but when i try to launch it from steam and the direct link both as Admin i get the Cmd Prompt box then it disappears really quick and nothing happens, ive looked at a few threads but none of them seems to know what to do besides running A2 and OA first, but ive already done that. Any help?!?

  2. After ArmA 2 got installed all over again i pulled it up and played around in boot camp for like 5 minutes, then i closed it down and installed OA. When OA launched i got the same error with the bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow but the next error message was data file too short so i verified the integrity of the cache again, and when i tried the next time it went back to the original Pixel Shader issue, so it seems im back at square one.

    ---------- Post added at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:02 ----------

    P.S. When i verified the integrity of the cache it stopped at 100% and never said it was finished it just reinstalled the game so IDK what the deal there was.

  3. ok well its gonna be a few hours but guys i really appreciate the help, i spent my last bit of money expecting a great game and ive spent two days facepalming in front of my screen going through endless forums. Even if it doesnt work i still appreciate the help, but keep and eye out lol so just incase it still doesnt work i can get some additional help. Thanks guys:)

  4. I recently bought ArmA II: Combined Ops over Steam so that i could play DayZ. I am able to play ArmA II fine, but when i go to launch Operation Arrowhead I get the error "No Entry bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow" then it goes to "Error Compiling Pixel Shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" I have done everything suggested in this forum and many other. Running as admin, restarting, running as admin from direct .exe. Nothing has helped me.

    (Please Note: I checked numerous pages on this forum before posting to make sure it wasnt previously answered.)
