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Everything posted by Bathat

  1. Hello there, I recently bought a copy of Arma2 and OA in Russian language because I read that you can change the language IN GAME. Now that I've installed everything I can't change the language, it only has the Russian option. So I was wondering if there was a fix for this? Like maybe a patch or something? Or have I just completely wasted my money and should just start collecting money again? :confused: Thank you
  2. That just means you don't know how to. I also bought a russian BF3 and now I'm running fully English and getting updates perfectly, even bought some DLC's that were all English. And I also did the same for all of the Call of Duty games. @Tom3kb, Yes I am aware of that, but as I said earlier, one thing is when you don't give the player a choise in a menu to switch languages, another thing is when you completely disable it by making it impossible even with any patches or fixes or language files.
  3. I'm sorry to ignore ur statement, but as I said before, how greatly is this game coded, being sarcastic ofcourse... Every decent self-respecting game at that caliber should atleast have the opportunity to export/import language files. Hence, badly coded. This has nothing to do with local distributors. The fact that they want to give out only their language games doesn't mean the game shouldn't have the functionality to change one.
  4. Wow, how greatly is this game coded, right? Unbelivable.