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Everything posted by williampett

  1. Hi, I am trying to make a search and rescue mission. The idea is, is that you fly out to find the casualty, get them into the heli, and then fly back home. I have tried a few scripts to do this, linked to a trigger, however they aren't working. The first script I tried was: _sar = sarunit1; _heli = heli1; _sar assignAsCargo _heli; [_sar] orderGetIn true; This did not work, the guy doesnt move at all. Another way that I tried to do it was _heli = heli1; _sarwp = sargroup1 addWaypoint [_heli, 0, 1]; [sargroup1, 2] setWaypointType "GETIN"; This did not work, the casualty unit moves towards the helicopter, but does not get in. Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong and/or how I can get this to work?
  2. I tried the radio trigger, and i didnt land on the guy, how do I get the name to be assigned correctly?
  3. Thanks for that, I shall try incorporating this into my mission to see if it works :) ---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:14 ---------- Ye, i think it may be related to another sqf where i created the sarunit1, do i have to use the allowGetin command? or is that different?
  4. its a Civilian Mi-17, and yes, its empty
  5. No, sarunit1 is not in my player group, I think my problem is something to do with the heli... _heli = heli1; heli1 is the name of a unit I have already placed on the map. So I think it needs speech marks on it for example: _heli = "heli1"; I tried doing this, but it creates an error with the script, stopping it from working.
  6. Thanks so much, I finally got it to work!
  7. Hi, I have been searching for how to add initialisaiton field for Ambient Civilians, but I havent's been able to find anything apart from what I read on the wiki (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilians) I have tried to add an init by using the examples given, It wont work. I have copied and pasted this into my Ambient Civilian Module's Init: [bIS_alice_mainscope,"ALICE_civilianinit",[{_this addweapon "Mk_48"}]] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd; and that wont't work. My trouble is, is that I do not understant the script it gives. Such as BIS_alice_mainscope What I need, is if someone could explain the scripting in this to me, or send me a link to help me understand this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.
  8. Im not actually after Civilians with weapons, that was just meant as an example. Unfortunately, I cannot get Kylania's code to work for the civilians :(. I think this code is a bit too advanced for me at the moment, so I think I might do some more research before I try using it :) Thanks for the Help
  9. Ok, but if I wanted to add an Init to Ambient Civilians such as "this allowDamage false" or something, do you know how I can do that?
  10. williampett

    How do I remove an Action?

    Thank You for the Help! It also helped me understand a few other things as well! :)
  11. Hi, I am trying to remove an action using the script unitName removeAction index; here is what I have tried: _player= if (player hasWeapon "M9") then { _action1 = gunbuyer1 addAction ["Sell M9 (£900)","sellM9.sqf"]; } else { gunbuyer1 removeAction _action1; }; I have tried to find out how to do this but what I found has not helped. What I want to happen is that when the M9 has been removed from the player (The "sellM9.sqf" script does this) is for the code to remove the action.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to create a shop that sells a Civilian Mi-17 to the player. This works up to the point where I want the money to be taken off the player. I have searched for methods of doing this and have found any. The player starts with £1000 which is decided by the script: player setVariable ["money", 1000]; I placed this script in the init.sqf for the mission. Here is the script that I am trying to use: _player= if (player getVariable "money" > 499) then { _vehicle = createVehicle ["Mi17_Civilian", getMarkerPos "test", [], 50, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; player getVariable ["money", money -500]; player groupChat "You have bought an MI-17" } else { player groupChat "You do not have enough money"; }; The part that I am having the problem with is: player getVariable ["money", money -500]; here I am trying to alter the variable "money", and take 500 away from it. I understand that my knowledge on scripting is very limited as I am still in the learning stages. Is it possible for me to change this variable? If so, how can I do it?
  13. williampett

    Changing Variables

    This has helped a lot, thank you :)
  14. Hi, I am trying to make a mission on Take on Helicopters using the mission editor, and for part of it, I would like to set a height restriction for the player flying a helicopter, stopping them from flying too high. How do I set height restrictions for the player as they travel through various way points in a helicopter?