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About Scheintot887

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hey guys! I decided to left the Environment sounds until the full release is up... Now I try to concentrate on the Weapons and Vehicle Sounds of Arma3. I have just finished the 50cal sound in Arma 3 and I guess its on a good point right now. The only problem? At distance the pitch of the sound goes down and thats kind of weird because it destroyes a lot of the good quality and atmosphere of the sound. Now I want to add some distance sound (how this is possible?) and completly remove the pitch. Sry of my english, I haven't slept since yesterday.
  2. Scheintot887

    Tree sounds

    Hey, thx for the reply! I decided to come back to the enviromnent sounds after the full release. Right now I try to concentrate to the Weapons & Vehicle sounds. :)
  3. Scheintot887

    Tree sounds

    Hey guys! Currently I'm working on a sound mod but I'm not realy good at scripting and stuff like that at all, not realy experienced at Arma configs. I just want to add sounds to the trees but I don't know how I could make it. Any Ideas?
  4. CBA_A3 error fixed. Used wrong CBA_A3 version. But now its completly mixed with the Arma AO Interface in the main menu and when I try to start a preview in the editor its taking a lot of time and then its crashing if I switch to desktop. Why I switch to desktop? Because it doesn't stop to load.... I'm starting the game with the BAT data... I see that the modline has changed.. so? What is that meaning for the BAT users? Pls, don't forget to explain that for the BAT users nexttime. I don't know, should I change something in the Bat or not? And im sure, the long loading times doesn't disappered with the new version and it's not my PC. It is not the best one but defently not the slowest one... and like I said before, its just with AiA. Never had any problems like that in any arma games or arma mods before. And PLS.... IF you read this and IF you use AiA, then take a goddamn fucking minute to respond and give me some of your experience: Do I am the only one with long loading times?
  5. I'm getting an error message. It says ""Addon "AiA_Eventhandlers" requires "cba_main_a3"". CBA_A3 is updatet via Sixupdater. The long loading times are still present. Is anyone here with the same experience or even with a fix? EDIT: When I'm disableing the A2 and OA path in the bat, then it goes faster. But this is not a solution for a addon like AiA.
  6. Hey guys! Does someone have also long loading times in AiA? It always happen if some "human" characters are placed. If I place a chicken as a player and NO other "human" unit in the editor, then it goes faster. When its done with loading I can play AiA normal, no problems. Even when Im loading a other map after that, it goes faster then before. But when I close the game completly and restart, then I have to wait again... maybe 2 mins. In Arma 1, 2 or 3 I never had a experience like that. Loading times doesn't go to long. Not like in AiA. I want to fix that problem because I realy want to play with AiA and build some missions but its not realy cool to wait always so long in the first time.
  7. Hey! Thx for reply. In first matter, I post the videos because a lot of ppl have the same problems. Its just a "bug report". I already start the game like this. With all CBAs (exept the Toh, I dont have ToH) This is the same method like I used it to record the video. You dont have error messages with Arma 3, AiA, CBA;CbaA3,CBAA2,CBAOA ?
  8. Pls do us all a fav guys and just ignore guys like him. Im sure we all have bigger problems then him, specially we are trying to give more feedback here and try to find and fix errors.
  9. I have the same problem. Firefights with russian soldiers will kill your game. @Kju, sry, I dont even know what the dev mode is or how I start it... also, I dont know how to acces the Rpt (is this an error message) ?
  10. Strange, because in all earlier versions of AiA it never takes so long. So I guess its not because of my computer. Arma 3 Vanilla also never takes so long.
  11. Hey, I will post some videos about the bugs. First of all, Bug02 CBA Error Message: Bug01 Long loadtime since new version: More Videos will come soon. Tomorrow I think.
  12. Hey! Feedback: No Muzzleflashes with A2/Oa Weapons. Already known?
  13. I have a second Problem. The Startparameters, (shortcut or steam) are full if i try to add Arma 1 too. Any solution for it?
  14. PS: You cant get a Weapon from a dead Soldier. The weapon disappered.
  15. Ok thx for the solution KJU. You done a nice Job! Thx for your work. Feedback: When you drive a Vehicle, you just can hear the Idle sound, not the Engine sound on movement. Loadtime sometimes going a little bit long.