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Everything posted by VaZe159

  1. I have experienced a respawn bug when playing a mission solo and exiting when dying on the countdown timer. When I tried to load the game back up, my character (the squad leader) would not respawn and I would be stuck there dead. It repeatedly did this so I was just trying to give a shout out if anyone else has had or sees this problem to announce it. It is especially bad when you are playing a solo mission where you have to be the squad leader to command your men, without them you would die.
  2. I honestly have not experienced much of a hit at all from single player and multiplayer differences. The only problem I have ever ran into when playing on a server is a laggy server. Other than that I can play everything on ultra at around 40-60 fps. It only drops down to maybe 35 if their are heavy explosions on very detailed terrain. But I am running a GTX 670 with an i7 3770k oc'd at 4.5GHZ and running on 8 threads. Also 16GBs of ram so I have plenty of memory. I have seen that some people have systems like mine but have ran into the same issues here but I do not see how. I also have my operating system on my SSD and everything else on my seagate so I am sure that helps tremendously seeing that the system is on a completely different drive then what the game is being run on so there is no confliction between the operating system and the game trying to be run from one drive.