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Posts posted by Azimov

  1. I guess this is a good place to post my experience. I will not even delve into how much I was anticipating testing this alpha. The idea of providing feedback to BIS before launch and at a discount makes me excited! Hopefully with these ideas we can avoid a launch like ArmA2 or more recently SimCity 2013 (the horror).

    I get 15%-25% CPU usage and average 18fps in game. This is so unusable I cannot even test anything! How are we expected to test the game in alpha if our multiple core 64-bit CPUs are completely useless? I do not want to come here and just complain to BIS to fix the optimization, as I know what an alpha is about and what to expect. The alpha should not however be this horribly optimized for a fairly high end computer.

    The ArmA2 launch was very rocky, and ArmA1 not much better. I am seriously hoping ArmA3 does not suffer from a similarly terrible launch, but now I am beginning to question this. Why should any demanding software so modern it is not even released yet be so primitive and hard to use? I love BIS so much and I have been here since the beginning, but dammit I just want to test the alpha! It is not so much to ask.

    My rant is over, sorry for the immaturity. Sometimes it is so frustrating when nothing is working properly (SimCity and ArmA3 Alpha). Please sound off and let me know what you think.

    It would make me happy if they would at least recognise the problem is there. Dwarden's post seemed abit dismissive.

  2. Hi guys,

    This has been bugging me for a few hours, I tried the editor for the first time. But when I try to reach the various menus like "units", "groups", "triggers", etc... by either double clicking them or pressing the corresponding "F" keys

    ...nothing happens.

    I saw it mentioned somewhere that someone had this problem because of his TRACKIR, but I don't even have such a thing. Anybody have a clue how I can solve this issue?
