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Everything posted by Azimov

  1. Azimov

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    How many pages do we have to reach untill this major issue gets recognized on the fancy SITREPS? http://alpha.arma3.com/sitrep-002
  2. Azimov

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    The ArmA 3 inventory system
  3. Azimov

    Fix the crashes please

    Don't alt tab or ctrl-alt-del to soon when you're joining a server. Give it 15 - 20 seconds. It freezes for a while but if you wait it out abit it will load.
  4. Azimov

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Another weird thing I noticed is that when I'm on a server with bad weather my CPU and GPU usage goes up tremendously and I get decent fps on ultra settings. (40 to 55 fps)
  5. Azimov

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It would make me happy if they would at least recognise the problem is there. Dwarden's post seemed abit dismissive.
  6. Azimov

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Guess I'll join the bandwagon. CPU and GPU hovering near 30% and 60% respectively. While barely reaching 35 fps, even after fiddling with the videosettings. Setup: Gtx670 i7 870 8 gig ram
  7. Anyone have an idea where I can find the chemlights in the editor? Can't seem to find it in any of the ammo boxes.
  8. I'm trying to make a DayZ machinima so yes indeed. But I just found the correct model half a minute ago: "old camping tent" is the deployed one. :)
  9. In the editor I added a tent but when I go into preview mode the tent isn't deployed. I can't pick it up and deploy it manually either. Can anyone help me with this? Cheers
  10. Hi guys, This has been bugging me for a few hours, I tried the editor for the first time. But when I try to reach the various menus like "units", "groups", "triggers", etc... by either double clicking them or pressing the corresponding "F" keys ...nothing happens. I saw it mentioned somewhere that someone had this problem because of his TRACKIR, but I don't even have such a thing. Anybody have a clue how I can solve this issue?
  11. Oh my god, thank you so much. I'm a moron.