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Everything posted by iDrake

  1. Good day gentlemen, I am in need of some assistance. I am trying to setup a mission, where a SF team able to utilize a MQ-8B ULB and AH-64 Apache to engage armored targets at a safe distance without putting the Apache crew in danger. It's kind of like the "Death From Above" scenario, but a little different. I am not sure if this is possible, I've tried various configurations, and have searched on this issue within the forum, and so far have not found the information I am needing, which is why I'm calling you guys for support. Here is the situation. I have a SF team set in an elevated position about 1.5K from an enemy stronghold. They see a number of armored vehicles that need to be engaged. So they call in for CAS (Close Air Support) I have an AH-64 set to be dispatched from my FOB along with a ULB when given a radio command. These vehicles are AI controlled. Waypoints are set to have both vehicles travel into the AO (Area of Operation), while staying at a safe distance so they are not engaged. The Apache is maybe 4K out, and the ULB I have set to move in closer to get eyes on the armor and to laze. My SF team leader, which is the character I control, carries with him 1 "US_UAV_Pack_EP1" which he uses to control the ULB . The "US_UAV_Pack_EP1" is synced with the ULB Module which allows the team leader to interact with the ULB. The ULB is synced with the Apache and the ULB Module I am able to control the ULB without issue, sight in a target, and turn the Laser Designation on. Here is my problem.... When rolling the mouse wheel and selecting "Command Fire" I am returned an error on the ULB interface. The targeting box flashes red several times before returning to the normal green. I've seen this happen within the "Death from Above" mission when the Apache has exhausted it's armaments. Also... In testing and tinkering with various settings, I placed the ULB and Apache withing close proximity to one another on a test run. While controlling the ULB , I turned on the Laser Designation, and the Apache engaged the target I painted with all Hellfire missiles, one after another, giving maybe a 2 second delay between firings. So it's working in some regards but not all of them. When the Apache is far out and I laze a target, it will not engage at all and I cannot issue a "Command Fire" order to it through the ULB. The results I would like to have happen but am unable to figure all of them out are: 1. To leave the Apache under AI control, to use Radio commands to bring it into theater, and RTB once support is provided. (Already have that done, happy with that.) 2. To be able to control ULB from the field without using a UAV control building (Done. Found the answers on this forum, thank you once again guys!) 3. To have the AI control the Apache, without needing a human player to pilot it to give "Command Fire" orders to the gunner. (Need help this please.) I'm not sure if what I am asking for is possible, which is why I am requesting help from those much smarter than myself on Editing. Thank you in advance gentlemen for you time, knowledge, and assistance. Semper Fidelis
  2. Thank you for trying AZCoder, and thank you for the suggestion zooloo75. I too have tried various ways of getting it to work and nothing pans out the exact way I'd like it to happen either. Thank you for the effort gentlemen, I will settle with the knowledge that in order for the command fire order to work with the UBL, you have to be the pilot. Which means, I will have to come up with another solution for engaging the enemy armor. I'm thinking MLRS. Who doesn't like 36 rounds of HE splashing down on the enemy's position! Thank you again gentlemen, Semper Fidelis.
  3. Can anyone take a stab at this?
  4. tom3kb and MulleDK19 thank you both for your replies. I did not know that little tidbit about the description.ext file only being read in that fashion. After making the changes to the unit's init, and the descriptions.ext file, I saved the mission, reloaded it, previewed, and now it is working. Thank you gentlemen for your support. Semper Fidelis
  5. I am having the same issue. Below is what I am doing. Game Version: Arma 2 OA with ACE Unit Type: US Army "Grenadier" In the INIT of the unit I've placed: this setIdentity "John_Buckman"; In the description.ext file for the mission I've placed: class CfgIdentities { class John_Buckman { name="John Buckman"; face="Face20"; glasses="None"; speaker="Dan"; pitch=1.1; }; }; For some reason it's still not working. This so far is the only thread I've found on this topic. Please advise.