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About Dyls17

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  1. Server statut : Online we are now the official fussion EU server. Recrutement : Open (French talking people only) Hello, I'm new to Arma 3 and I really like this game that why I wanted to create a new Arma 3 server, we are currently 4-5 active player, we are looking for people who want to play in good condition by this I mean in a powerfull server with a great community of player who play seriously. We are looking also for serious player with interest to make an Arma 3 team. With community upgrade I will maybe make a website with a forum, a Teamspeak 3 is actually available and open for people who want to join us (please contact me by a private message or contact us ingame), there is as often as we can online admins who is connected to the server we are running a Fussion Wasteland 10.3 edited for 0.57. Fussion Wasteland 10.3 edited for 0.57: -ThirdPersonView is disabled. -No localisation for you and your teammates on the map (use coordinates currently in wip). -Difficulty Mercenary. -New Random Weather effect. -Day/night Cycle. -Capture territory to earn money. -No backpack at spawn you need to buy one at the gun store. Changelog: [Added] Katiba Magazines to gun store. [Changed] Starting money to 250. [Fixed] EBR Rifles 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag can be buyed again at gun store. [Fixed] EBR Rifles 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag can be taken again inside and beside building. [Fixed] Compatibility with 0.57 Server Specs: Name : Fussion Wasteland Official (EU)Server (Low Latency) -Localisation Luxembourg -Windows 2008 server -Intel Xeon E5-1650 (3.2+ GHz) -512gb raid OCZ Vertex 4 SSD -64gb ECC-REG DDR3 -10Gbps Bandwith -Version dev 0.57 (use steam properties and switch to beta to get the 0.57) -54 slot If you are interested and free comme to try the server and enjoy your time on us server with the community I hope you will appreciate us. Razor cordialy,
  2. Hello, Great mission running fine on server
  3. Dyls17

    COWarModI44 Compatible

    Hi Günter did you remove the RLE compression on the paa picture ? I use gimp and I had this problem a few month ago check this, if that don't work I can help you and try to make it as paa too I found this on the i44 forum : http://forum.invasion-1944.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=228 For me your mod is actually perfect and the only feedback I can give is that what I wanted for playing.
  4. Dyls17

    COWarModI44 Compatible

    Hello Günter, I like everything you inclued the only things i don't like is the SMK i thinks its a good mod but not for i44. The player is moving like a delta force or special force soldier in the WW2 a lot of guys were only trained to fire and where only basic trained they didn't know how special movement only a few forces know them SMK can only be good to hide your ass behind a wall :D for sure that's good but i don't like the anims. For the main menu: I play an other game called Company of Heroes a beautiful strategic game with a mod called Blitzkrieg-Mod they have a loading screen with a KonigsTiger and the name of the mod here you can see it : http://www.msplay.com/_/rsrc/1328161492835/game/cohmodblitzkriegshanjizhanmozu/mod_loading.JPG?height=225&width=400 I think take a capture of a vehicule ingame or something like that and write the mod name cool be nice. Other things for your main menu : My friends created the "Dicke Bertha" or "La Grosse Bertha" called in french, Maybe we could send you a nice picture of it, its actually a Wip but that can be cool for a loading screen say what you think about that.
  5. Dyls17

    COWarModI44 Compatible

    Hello, Yeah i already removed mod who was already inclued in the COWar mod. I like how do you think about the gameplay what stuff is needed and everything like that. That what I'm searching too. I'm taking all mod that can give me a great battle experiance. I already tested a lot of mods with i44 too.I have read some page ago you talk about "BD Tracer Lights" do you think its working good ? link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12427&highlight=BD+TRACER+LIGHTS And do you think we can edit i44 weapon config to change rounds to make them more real ? like for the mg42 and the browing Sorry for my poor english
  6. Dyls17

    COWarModI44 Compatible

    Hello guys , I'm dowloading the mod i will give you some feedback after played some games :). Edit : Hum, I have a question the customization folder is loading too or you have to put it into the Addons folder ? Second one , Compatibility i'm using tons of addon and proper addon so i will test what i have to remove "-nosplash -mod=@CBA;@COSLX;@I44;@JSRS;@Blastcore@ASR_AI;@RUG_DSAI;@WW2;@MAP" "WW2" and "MAP" are personnal addons but what about the other ?