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About Mooncabbage

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  1. Mooncabbage

    Multi-Session Operations v4.3 released

    I play ACE coop with a small group of friends, and we've tried a few MSO missions over the past few days. By far my biggest issue so far is, I just can't seem to work out what a lot of the mission params do. I understand that the sample missions are just that, and it's designed as a toolkit, but I want to get a handle on the default scenarios before I go about setting up our own. Anyway, a few things I've noticed: CASEVAC doesn't work. I get some message about Papa Bear being too busy or something. I assume it's just incorrectly configured, but yeah, what's required for this? Enemy spawn VERY close. I'm not sure what module this comes down to, WICT, or the ambient enemy or what, because i've tried with only one of each and I still get the issue, but at one point in chernarus an enemy squad spawned literally a few metres away. I'd like to know what parameter/module this is down to, so if someone could let me know that'd be great. Can't seem to make autonomous AI units. You seem to be able to recruit as many friendly AI you want (up to 6 per team leader I think), but I can't seem to work out how to remove them from the group so they'll behave autonomously. When I remove them in the team status screen they blink out of existance. Since the regular BLUFOR AI does nothing, this can be very frustrating. The manual does mention creating autonomous units to man cannons and stuff, but I can't work out how to do it. Probably partly because of the last two points, we seem to lose control of towns the instant they're cleared or taken. It's a very frustrating game of wackamole, especially since we have a small group. Any thoughts on how to resolve this? IED Defusal: Would it be reasonably simple to implement this with ACE style IED defusal? I'd prefer to have to use an action or something and be able to properly defuse them, rather than simply blow them up. I had hoped that using the WICT module without the "enemy" ambience module would create a frontline type situation in Chernarus, and while it did seem to reduce the number of random enemies right at the start, but we still got enemy squads spawning right on top of us, whackamole towns, and no real sense of a "frontline". Am I configuring this wrong? Apologies if any of this was covered in the preceeding 9 pages.