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Posts posted by tilen

  1. Doesn't really look that way tbqh fam.


    Answering your questions:


    "Looking at ArmA 3 communities I have not seen one that uses vanilla assets." Notice how the point of reference is me; my experience. This is from my first post in this thread that began this discussion.


    "Modding has been the main value for the main consumer base for sure, but I'd be grinning if looking at the numbers I'd see the majority playing Altis Life." From my second post, implying that I do not actually know the numbers.


    "If you use everything vanilla except the ACE 3 and ACRE etc, basically functionality increase addons, then your community is one of the few as I see it. This I have acknowledged and so my question pertaining to the vast majority (conjecture), stands." Written in the very post you quoted.


    I think I have made it fairly clear that I am not basing this on any empirical evidence other than my personal experience derived from some sources that could be considered empirical. Adding to that, however, I am certain that this is common and that I am not special in these experiences, given the nature of the game and my sources. Thus my conjecture.


    As for the rest: quality then. Fair. I already pointed put the fallacy in that, but I digress as proceeding with this discussion, while I do value your input, seems to be fruitless.

  2. As we all already told you. Almost everyone uses the vanilla content in one way or another, hence it's a strong point for most people to buy it, some use it as a base for their creations others as their main toys. 

    If most missions, SP players, Life & Zombie fans and simulation groups use nowadays Altis, it seems logic that they would use also Tanoa which seems will bring more diversity and features for all kinds of players.

    Feel free to check the missions forum, as well as research different simulation groups and see screens or videos of where they play.

    That's a good and perfect reason to spend a few bucks. 

    Yes and no. Yes, because it supports the company and no, because there already are you-name-it-stan maps in the Steam Workshop. There could very well be a Tanoa if a modder or the community expressed enough intereset. Again, all of that which you are buying can be produce and downloaded free of charge via modding. On top of that, various degrees of that which you are buying will be modded anyway. So then, why?


    Anyway at this point I am just repeating myself and getting the same answer(s) so I don't see this discussion going further unless someone else provides their insight. Thanks for your replies, guys, but I remain unconvinced.

  3. And you came to this conclusion how exactly?

    Did you check every single community in arma, or is it just guesswork?

    I did not check every single community, no, nor did I claim to have. I did say that it is conjecture and point out that these are things that I percieve as such.


    Where and how? I (have) watch(ed) many YouTube videos, Twitch streams. I read both these forums and Steam Discussions on ArmA 3 as well as other places where discussions about the game take place. Generally speaking, as someone above pointed out, ArmA 3 is considered to be a platform for modding which speaks for it self, does it not? I can safely say--withing reason--that it is the general sentiment and a generally accepted view on this game.


    I have also searched for ArmA 3 communities. I made a post not so long ago and have seen the reactions. All of the communities that responded heavily modded their assets--none of them used plain vanilla game.


    I have read and watched reviews of this game. I have seen the in-game server browser. I have watched the development of this game and have witnessed the interest for the new DayZ mod.


    And so on.

  4. I did not pick on those two. I acknowledged that there may be some, albeit very rare, communities that actually do use vanilla assets. But at the same time you admit that CiA: "have their predefined set of addons, so does CiA, and most of the missions that our mission makers produce make use of these." going on to say that you play missions on vanilla. 


    This confuses me. What do you mean by that? The map, the vehicles, the weapons, soldier uniforms; only some of the mentions and others not? If you use everything vanilla except the ACE 3 and ACRE etc, basically functionality increase addons, then your community is one of the few as I see it. This I have acknowledged and so my question pertaining to the vast majority (conjecture), stands.


    I have searched for ArmA 3 community videos on YouTube and except for ShackTac most of them use their own assets entirely, including the map itself. All of it from the Steam workshop which means that theoretically Tanoa can be modded in as well. Or am I missing something? 


    Also, you can stop being so defensive. I like that BIS are making new content and I hope they get compensation that they wish from it. What I don't see is the point in buying such content as it either will be changed (modded) or not used at all/ replaced, or could be modded in in the first place.

  5. None of you answered my question, really.


    @Mistyronin: "It will add stuff that can be further modded." This I know, and this is not precisely the issue. It is that it likely will be moded beyond recognition AND that there already are a ton of civilian assets etc. in the Steam Workshop with certainly more to come. So you're paying for what can (!), has and will be made for free. Why?


    @Chortles: "The game features assets resembling real-life ones, which can be modded to further portray realism." Why are there so many communities that don't simply rename the rifle names for example. Is there a community that uses just straight up vanilla assets with possibly ONLY the name change (ACRE etc not included, I am talking mainly about visuals)? If there is, why are they so scarce? Again, why buy content that will either not be used or changed anyway so that you could just as well grab it from the Steam Workshop?


    Since you both, I am sorry to say, failed to answer my question, I'll take a guess. Perhaps it has something to do with quality that is expected from BIS. If so, I don't see a particularly prevailing opinion in the community that the quality is on par with what people expect, visually and technically (see modding for example). Further, people will play on lower texture maps etc. precisely because the vanilla assets are too taxing on performance. There are various reasons why in theory you buy Tanoa and its new assets, but are going to end up playing complete reskins and rehauls of them on a different map. Why?


    edit: this is severly offtopic, sorry.

  6. Do you realize that the island itself is worth the price content-wise?

    Including also the civilian assets, and any realistic and widely used vehicle or weapon that can be retextured. 

    Modding has always been the main value of the OFP / Arma series. 

    I realize it's a relatively great deal and that the content will be awesome, but this is not what I'm disputing. Modding has been the main value for the main consumer base for sure, but I'd be grinning if looking at the numbers I'd see the majority playing Altis Life.


    For me, vanilla assets is where it's at. But that's the thing. If everything is allowed to be modded and is--as you've pointed out--expected to be, then:

    1.) why purchase content that can be modded in

    3.) why purchase content that will rarely, if ever, be used


    Again, I am curious. I am not bashing on anybody here. 

  7. Question: why is anyone looking forward to this new content when you know that just about everyone will mod the shit out of the game and you'll never actually get to experience it?


    Looking at ArmA 3 communities I have not seen one that uses vanilla assets. Ifrits? Nah, Humvees etc. because "realistic modern blah blah"...


    Don't get me wrong, tropical islands are my thing and if modding wasn't so widespread in this game I would've jumped on this expansion like an American footballer on a cheerleader in the dressing room after a match... uh... yeah...


    I am genuinely curious.

  8. For example when you see an ai machine gunner shooting through a bush at enemies far away it is not because "the AI seeing you through objects" like you say but rather because another member of the squad can see the enemy and is telling that ai exactly where to shoot. Or the ai saw that enemy's stationary position before the bush was in the way and when the bush obstructed his vision he simply aimed at at the last place he knew the enemy to be, even though there is a bush in the way.

    Fair enough. I have been thinking about that as well. It's nice to see the AI attempting to blind-fire or inspect the last known location but I've had the AI shoot me through a bunch of treetops, or crowns if you will, and I'm pretty sure none of them were looking at me. Also, if the AI sees you and is alert, when you approach from a different angle there is a big chance that it will immediately start shooting at you. While a human is able to predict such things (i.e. the angles of attack) the AI seems to do it past the point of acceptable. I think.

  9. All due respect but the only thing that A3 has going for it is that its not that popular.....yet.... how do u prove you haven't seen a hacker w any of the anti cheats running? heres a lil somtin that u might b interested in...put "aimjunkie" in your googally bar. BTW u missed the st patricks day sale for the A3 aimbot.

    heres a A lil sample from a prior hacker


    yah I know its bf3 but this same thing is applied to A3 and every other fps title u can think of!

    I was not referring to ArmA 3 as the game, as far as I'm aware, does not have any official Anti-Cheat measures enabled yet. I meant games like Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead 2. Games that I've played a lot and haven't come across anyone cheating in them while I've seen cheaters in other PunkBuster protected AAA titles such as Battlefield 3.

    My experiences with VAC are purely positive.
