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  1. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133052-bin-config-bin-CfgInGameUI-MPTable-shadow-Problem-Please-Help-Me-Out&p=2128884&viewfull=1#post2128884 That helped me on the shader issue. You just put the sentence (quotation marks and everything) in advanced-part when running the game from steam. So, right-click the game in steam, lowest selection "properties" then "set launch options" and paste that whole thing (startup line) there. The "bad serial key during installation" went away by itself in few days - propably it took some time for steam to move the money or verify transfer to armaII... Also I sent a suppoert-request with link to this post but I am not sure if it had anything to do with it being solved.
  2. I sent a support request to bohemia interactive on how to set serial key so operation arrowhead would work. I got the shader-errors fixed by RPT's instructions, but got "Bad serial number given in setup"-error then on arrowhead (Arma II works). Let's see how well support works... Also, if You have nvidia card, check the compatibility from nvidia-program to arma II (I set the suggested shadow'ing options from arma II's options, might be part why the shader-error doesn't occur any more). Compatibility of my card is "fair" and suggested to disable some shader options.
  3. Suchros

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    Solution, I had exactly same problem ""No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgIngameUI/MPTable.shadow'" and "Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133052-bin-config-bin-CfgInGameUI-MPTable-shadow-Problem-Please-Help-Me-Out&p=2128884&viewfull=1#post2128884 Now another problem, serial key, cont'd there I hope: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133052-bin-config-bin-CfgInGameUI-MPTable-shadow-Problem-Please-Help-Me-Out&p=2166541&viewfull=1#post2166541
  4. Helped to the shader problems, thank You. Now, however, I have "bad serial number given in setup", launching in admin mode from steam. I could register it somewhere (steam directs me to homepage of armaII and there is serial key in steam but tried "buy" option etc, where to register ? Or what to do ?)... Also, bought the armaII+operation arrowhead packet ("arma II co") yesterday, I've done nothing but this one fix done so far. (also pointing another error-thread to this one, since it is relevant and this solution worked-kind of) Thanks in advance, Suchros