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Everything posted by ironhearse

  1. ironhearse

    Arma 3 MP, Is it Worth it?

    for multiplayer, i'd have to say no. i've spent as many hours changing server due to hackers as i have playing the game.
  2. ironhearse

    TeeTimes Warfare

    ok. thanks, i'm still not 100% that it's worked correctly. one time the HC took the server slot (when checking with shift+p) but since then it is just showing the waiting in lobby hourglass. does this mean the HC is running? thanks
  3. seems to work very well with bullets, i'm experiencing strange behavior with the grenade launcher. it's as if the grenades have too little weight, they just get taken in the wind never to be seen again. is there a way to change this?? thanks for the mod,
  4. ironhearse

    TeeTimes Warfare

    hello, having a little trouble getting the HC to work, do i have to rename the client to one of the HC options in parameters? also, is there a version available with squad leader spawn at all? thanks for the mission teetimes.
  5. thank you very much. this seems to work.
  6. Hello, thanks for this great mod. i have it working on missions now but after a respawn the radio menu is gone. What is the command i should use to make the init.sqf run each respawn? thanks in advance, liam