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About FAdmiral

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  1. Ok, thanks A readme file for us editor newbies with info like that is always appreciated.... New Question: In making SP, Co-op or MP editor missions, can they all be combined? I have 1 player unit for SP & maybe other playable units as well. (tried this, works OK) In Co-Op, do I put in multiple "playable units" with no player unit on 1 side? In MP, do I put in "playable units" both sides with no player units?
  2. majoris, your template contains a "mission.sqm" file only. Where do you put this file? I see no .sqm files anywhere in the game files...
  3. I have all the ground troops & vehicles working fairly well. Now I want to get some aircraft flying so I can be attacked and bombed from the air. Got the flak guns ready to fight them. Anybody know how that can be done with the editor???
  4. Majoris: yes, I am interested in all templates to use in the editor, Thanks Oksman: I wish there was docs explaining how to do it all like your video.