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Everything posted by Kilmannan

  1. Kilmannan

    They better have female soldiers...

    Lots of exciting opinions in this thread! I'm currently serving in the British Army as a Corporal with tours of Iraq and Afghanistan under my belt as well as various overseas deployments in liason or training roles. I'll first of all clear up any mis-understandings insofar as the British Army's policy is concerned, on females in the front line. There are no frontline female soldiers in the British Army. There are however, females on the frontline, by virtue of being Medics and hence technically, non-combatants. Frontline soldiers aren't soldiers on the frontline, they are soldiers in Combat Arms of which there are only three in the British Army: Infantry Royal Armoured Corp Army Air Corp You wont find many females amongst those Arms serving on the frontline, but they are there. Most people are aware of the reasons as to why females aren't permitted to serve as Combat Arm soldiers (which would make them frontline soldiers), from both the psychological aspect and the physical aspects. Psychological: Females soldiers place a heavy burden on any male soldiers working alongside them. The male soldiers know what will happen if for whatever reason, that female soldier ends up as a hostage in the hands of a hostile force. They also find it hard to prevent basic instincts of preservation of the female from kicking in should she become injured. There is also an increased sexual and emotional tension which often creates rivalry between the male soldiers. Physical: Females for the most part, cannot lift nor carry the same weight as a man. Their bodies are designed differently and it's a simple fact of nature that a female body is more frail than a mans. This is evolution over thousands of years. Hence when in an Operational environment, a female soldier will struggle to carry the 90lbs of weight on her back, the 20lbs of weight around her waist and her Individual Weapon. This has been proven time and time again. However, as far as ArmA III is concerned......... Who cares? It's a game. :D Also, funny stories of female soldiers attached to a Combat Arm unit serving on the frontline? Operation Herrick 10 - A certain Infantry Regiment based in a Forward Operating Base returns to Bastion on a switch-over. Their RSM walks into the main AGC compound pulling their attached female clerk by the scruff of her neck and says to the female RAO: "Can we have another one please, this one's full." The Clerk had slept with the majority of the 100 strong male unit during their three months out at the FoB. Arf. :D