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Posts posted by VickeLang

  1. nope i dont, thats why :/ I am going to buy AO but no gamestop here in sweden got it. was at an gamestop today and they didnt had it. gonna try an other gamestop tomorrow

    ---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

    and when i started using this mod all players in 3rd person looks like lowest graphics ever. so... this mod is only for OA

  2. JSRS dont have any flyby sounds which are getting played when a plane flies by really close. If you play with ACE, you most certainly hear theire flyby sound.

    Thats strange since its not showing up in any other mission? Ok, this is most likely because the BE Variant is also using some scripts or something, not sure though. Will get some informations about that and will see what is causing this...

    Go into "Settings" then in "Audio" and there you should see "audio samples"! This is the number of sounds that can be played simultaneously. And the higher the number, the more sounds are / can be played.


    settings where? if i go to arma 2 options then audio i cant change that
