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About Moorey

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  1. Moorey

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Thought I'd forgotten something else, I'm using 0.97.
  2. Moorey

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I seem to be having some trouble with the AI aswell. Playing on my own on a dedicated server(i7,12gb ram, linux if it matters) with AI, after a while the AI just stop moving and hang around the base. In a game I left running for about 2 hours only 3 squads where still moving. EDIT: Forgot to mention that was on Stratis with an AI commander.
  3. Moorey

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Ah well was worth a try
  4. Moorey

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Is there any sort of fix or workaround for this http://i.imgur.com/3CPIP.jpg when i suspend a game and start up again later? This happens on Joes version and your edits law giver on every in map in some form.
  5. Moorey

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Thanks a bunch for the quick fix ;D
  6. Moorey

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Is it me or does upsom ai disable the ai from being affected by ace wounds? Also law giver i can't seem to find bandages and morphine etc in the menu on your version, i tried on zargabad where i can use bandages etc but can't buy any and on Takistan ace wounds doesn't seem to working at all, am i missing something? Chernarus and utes work perfectly. Thanks for a great addition to the game.