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About OverpaidUnderdog

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  1. OverpaidUnderdog

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    Which add on's? How do I access these add ons?
  2. OverpaidUnderdog

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    In ARMA 2, many of the buildings were partially destructible (you could blow out parts of walls without collapsing the entire structure), others weren't. Most of the buildings that had enterable sections were like this. I guess I'm wondering if the ALL of the buildings in ARMA 3 will be like this. In the confirmed features, it says that all the buildings on Limnos will be enterable and destructible (just check the ARMA 3 confirmed features thread). So does that mean they will be partially destructible, or will it be like ARMA 2, where they only certain ones are?
  3. OverpaidUnderdog

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    I kind of figure that they'll keep that system, but improve the animations and particel effects on the destruction. I also hope that they add that feature to all or most buildings.
  4. OverpaidUnderdog

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    My understanding of the destruction BFBC2 is this; when a certain amount of the buildings walls are gone, it starts the collapse sequence. I'd like to see a similar system in ARMA 3; it doesn't have to be as detailed, that would obviously make the game too hard to run. What I'd really like to see is better visual on the destroyed buildings and more buildings that can be partially destroyed; with all the polish they're putting on this game it'll probably be there. I'm not trying to nitpick here, I just love destructible buildings in games. It's nice to know I have that control over my surroundings.
  5. OverpaidUnderdog

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    Hello everyone. I was wondering what status of the building destruction in ARMA 3 was? Is it going to be the same as it was in ARMA 2, or will ARMA 3 feature more dynamic building destruction. I read that all the buildings on limnos will be enterable and destructible (in the confirmed features thread), so I was just wondering how the destruction aspect would play out in ARMA 3. Thanks for reading, I apologize beforehand if there was already a thread about this, when I checked I couldn't find anything. Have a great day, and I look forward to seeing you in the ARMA 3 alpha :)
  6. OverpaidUnderdog

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    I wonder how the destruction will be? Will it be the same as in ARMA 2, or is it more dynamic?
  7. OverpaidUnderdog

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Look on the bright side; that could weed out the idiots. Those who hate a game based on the alpha won't buy the final release, and we won't have to waste time on them when we do. I'm actually looking forward to finding and reporting bugs; BIS has done more than enough already by keeping us informed and dissecting all the improvements and additions they're making. The least we can do is help them find a couple of annoying (or serious) bugs. How many other developers do you see doing that?
  8. OverpaidUnderdog

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Awesome to know :) Thanks for a prompt and helpful response.
  9. OverpaidUnderdog

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Will anyone be able to access the Alpha? What are the restrictions (if any)? Is this a public alpha?