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Everything posted by daftmedic

  1. daftmedic


    I believe the Rag Doll is a little to Rag Doll. So when you get shot at the moment your body seems to loose all bone structure and muscle mass. In my not so little experience of death and injury due to aggressive action, the body does not act like its acting in game as it still has bone structure and connective tissue providing natural end points to range of movement. I can quantify my comments with a wealth of image data we use to map out injuries due to blast, penetrating high velocity etc etc.
  2. Oh dear you forgot to add the tm after "PhysX" if we are picking up symantics. I did forget to add my view distance is at 3k. I think it maybe the fps killer for the guys running AMD GPU's. but don't be to disheartened its an alpha. I'm sure if people get hold of bis and explain the issues they are having they will try and optimise it as well as they can.
  3. Ok so I'm running: 1100t. BE OC @ 4GHz 660ti power edition MSI 8 GB 1600 RAM. All settings are at High/Very high. Avg FPS 55 Max 65 min 25(in villages with lots of enemy and smoke) I saw earlier that someone put Physix is CPU intensive. I would beg to differ. Physix is a GPU nvidia invention so will be handled by the GPU. I am also a tad confused with this Intel is better at single core applications. As when I ran some tests I was using 4cores at 100% making arma3 Alpha multicore. I maybe an exception to the Bad naughty AMD processor rule or aliens have been down and messed with my system and added a futuristic Processor without my knowledge. If that did happen it would explain my sore bottom.
  4. I use this program all the time and it's Legen............wait for it.......... Dary.... One small issue when I created a vehicle loadout it seems to of taken away the vehicle ACRE radio... How do I get it back or add one because I dont see a rack option in the editor. Ta Very much!
  5. daftmedic

    HMS Queen Elizabeth

    Can this work without the mando etc As I would like to use it without the gun/missile system
  6. Hey guys, I have set a group to spawn only if the leader is alive. That works fine but the vehicle never spawns with them. In condition I have alive enemy1. The rest of the group spawns but the vehicle doesn't. Help please thank you:) Ok so thank you all for the thousands of responses... It was because I set the unit in cargo, all I did was change the unit into formation and hey presto