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Everything posted by Sakowski

  1. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Well I am wondering if it wont be any "problems" with ACE version, because in ACE normal Russians have AK-74M's already
  2. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Good idea on that its like CDF having American and PRSZ has Russian advisers :D For models perhaps http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/File:Arma2_USMC_captive.jpg or http://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/images/3/3d/Arma2_USMC_officer.jpg
  3. 18th Pechotni Pluk in English means 18th Infantry Regiment, 18THPP is a tactical realism unit for ArmA 2 Combined Operations based upon Chernarussian Defense Forces and that is why we can call our self's unique! As a TRU we use ranking system, and as I have done my research Chernarus speaks Czech and so for I have researched and created real life ranks from Czech Republic to CDF which 18THPP uses, on our forums you can see the shortcuts & Czech to English translations which rank means what. 18th Pechotni Pluk won't be fighting Russians nor ChDKZ, the CDF is now send into NATO Peacekeeping operation to Lingor Island and it has to protect its weak government from armed insurgents and OPFOR. We will be using Project CDF mod by GossamerSolid which I've asked for permission to use it. As a CDF based unit I decided that we ain't the best because we simply ain't, we cannot call our self's pro's that is why I decided as well to gain some training for our men from international units yes another TRU that are better from us. 18THPP is a international unit as well! We are short on men for the war! that is why we need you to join us! Help us become reality and be the first ones to join! 18THPP needs skilled or not skilled people even if we are not skilled WE will become skilled together! Joining us takes around 5 minutes! yes seriously only 5 minutes! we have our website online where you can apply directly to join us! visit our website at www.18thpp.enjin.com and click "Recruitment" navigation and visit our forums at www.18thpp.enjin.com/forum We do not ask for big requirements to join however this is our recommended requirement: Be 15+ Years Old however younger people are free to join if they are mature enough. Speak fluent English so we can understand you Own ArmA 2 Combined Operations Teamspeak 3 & Mic however this is optional but having it makes us know each other and trust. When accepted you will be placed under 1 week probationary system, if you will be active and a person we want you will be removed from probationary system and you will become one of us! To join our server properly you will need: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACEX_SM @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @brg_africa r5 @CBA @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA @chn_crocodile @csj_snake @ibr_lcivilians r1 1.4 @ibr_plants r3 v1.4 @JayArma2Lib @Lingor @MGB_Buildings2 @PCDF @sthud @zeu_AI_ACE Teamspeak 3 IP: Channel 18th Pechotni Pluk under Adrenaline Gaming Thank you! P.S. If you have any questions feel free to PM me as well! Plukovnik K.Sakowski 18th Pechotni Pluk
  4. Back from ashes! Today 18th Pechotni Pluk have accepted a offer from Regimental Gaming, we now take shelter under their teamspeak 3 server which is, we are stationed under Andrenaline Gaming channel just below the main lobby, we will soon receive our server informations in 3-4 days perhaps. Since the last time 18THPP have changed a lot, the unit scenario is now in Lingor Island, 18Th Pechotni Pluk will be now set in NATO peacekeeping operation in Lingor Island! along with other countries Chernarus has to protect the weak government, citizens and towns from OPFOR and Insurgents. Our application layout have been changed as well. In our terms CDF's main assault rifle is the AKS-74P however they use some US weaponry. As said before we use ranks, based on czech but slightly differ BUT we do not call people "Sir", we play for fun not for power. I did a bit of roleplay into the unit, as a CDF unit we are not so skilled there for we will be taking a lot of trainings from other units but most of the basic will be made by us! I have already modified MSO Lingor mission using PCDF units, added ACE wounds and changed from 13 to 20 players. Apply now on our website and march together for victory! IMPORTANT: You need to use a name to join the unit however its not your real surname, just come up with some Slavic (around czech or simply connection between czech-russian :D) e.g. A.Novka and so on!
  5. Somehow I just had to do it xD kWzAXCQIdoU& Good work BIS on that great ass!
  6. Sakowski

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hello! So there was a update on six updater yesterday or day before yesterday so I updated my ACE now something is wrong going on... well here are two pictures: All I get for treat wounds is Remove CAT no other thing, I wanted to give my self a morphine which I have When I do it I get some error and when Its done its still there, and it keeps on happening like that... Its not removed at all and I get no option to give my self a bandage nor morphine however I enabled that everyone can use it
  7. Well hopefully it will have a big world like ArmA then I will be more then happy to play it, I like it more then Day Z already and well I can see some war between fans happening one day, which is obvious thing in the internet.
  8. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Amazing work! what about the troops u plan to change them as well?
  9. Sakowski

    The Warthog ATV [WIP]

    lol this looks interestingly weird but amazing work! looked up on google its kind of wider but still nice job!
  10. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Agree the US army cap would fit the best for them.
  11. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Interestingly I have found PCDF in a six updater marked as "Convert it to updater" under Mods tab, when I did the version of it was 1.04? so that means the mod is there already? (It downloaded it however I had to redownload the 1.05 and a patch :P)
  12. I have a question, I made a preset but most of stuff are marked as white but in other preset they are marked as green and when its yellow (to update) in the one where they are white they do not change the color? Same mods but differ presets
  13. Sakowski

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    My opinion as the topic says "What should we do if anything?" my answer is - Nothing, oh you might think I am a cold ass bastard but well, everytime we intervene somewhere the hole gets bigger, we (countries all over the world, I wont say names but there specially one) intervene into other country's business just for money and relations with other countries, we do not know the truth of which side is BLUFOR or OPFOR because these days even good guys can be bad guys acting like they want to get rid of evil and so on.
  14. Hello! I have a small question, which map do you prefer on domination Chernarus or Takistan? Im kinda going to use it as a reference if you could please vote!
  15. Then how comes original MSO does not have it? EDIT: well tested it and now it works like a charm, thats a lot guys! Got a question as well, when there is a update, I only update the mission with all files beside .sqm and modules .hpp?
  16. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Just a quick thing the shilka crew in CDF does not have the modern units as crewmen :D As well are you planning to make some sort of Special Forces for CDF?
  17. Yep tested it only with ACE + Lingor (and then ACRE) in a private community server, does not work. Nope my keybindings are good as I wrote before I went on ACE Domination all works in there.
  18. Sakowski

    Printable Chernarus Maps for free :)

    Good luck finding a big ass printer that will print your map like the one BIS sells. It does not cost a lot and supporting BIS by buying it will help if you love their games.
  19. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Well then I guess M60A3 is good enough and its not so modern either way.
  20. Well should I update the mission with the disabled Spyder? P.S. My mission uses mods however they are not "conflicting" with the mission as I started one only with ACE and ACRE (unedited, as my one has edited player models which uses PCDF) the unmoded one has no interaction just like edited ver. Here is the ticket https://dev-heaven.net/issues/37443 EDIT: Updated the mission
  21. Yep ages ago that did not help fixing it then I disabled more stuff that I was told about. Now I got rid of Heal ClassName, Rucksacks work but treat wounds are missing.
  22. Still any ideas why there is no Treat Wound Interaction? this did disable the Heal ClassName and enabled Rucksack option so there has to be something more :-|
  23. Here is a feedback when disabling Spyder_ONU - Disabled the Heal (ClassName) Ability to open Rucksacks from AI's which u couldnt before, still no Treat Wounds interaction tho. Mind if I ask what does Spyder_ONU does? either way Spyder_ONU does affect ACE
  24. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    God I love the officer model! it looks epic! I will play with this model 24/7 lol, btw is it possible to like re-texture the cap into their camo? Either way thank you for the update! I love it and u too for this amazing mod! P.S. I wonder if its possible to put PCDF into six updater? so we can update it though there. EDIT: I think that the Abraham and LAV needs a bit of re-texture, it kind of looks like someone splashed a bit of paint together however the re-textured tanks e.g T-80 look epic. Actually thinking about M60A3, why not choose between M60A3 and Leopard A1? the leopard from arma 1 works fine in arma 2 co, tested it, I think that the we people that give suggestion have to think we dont want to make them a second power, or way modernized (western) army. Once when I was talking about a cargo plane - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=858 I think that would fit nicely don't you think? EDIT 2: What about some nice APC :D Not sure if it would be able to get them but I wish to see them in PCDF! http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/4858/m706.jpg - Vilas M706
  25. Sakowski

    Project CDF

    Awesome! you managed to make the guy with a cap! Which models do the new Western Soldiers use? Is it possible to get bigger picture?