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Everything posted by Jarate

  1. G'day. I created two very small missions that run on Lingor. The missions work fine when I start a listening server but when I try on a dedicated server, the game goes to 'Wait for Host' then back to Game Set Up. The server in question is running @Lingor like the mission. To make sure it was not a server issue, I ran takistan domination and that took me to multiplayer set up. Looking at the ArmA2OA.RPT file... Repeated a LOT. Repeated a fair bit. What's the fix for these?
  2. Jarate

    [MP] Operation Koplic Assault

    It should. I was inspired by HumV's work on Lingor Assault so I revamped it all to suit ArmA3 and I taught myself how to make missions and do the initialization scripting. At one point I returned to the AEF TeamSpeak and invited the AEF to join in with SOCA's operation. Last I heard was, "We'll discuss it."
  3. G'day. I'm representing SOCA and I invite you to join in with our operation. It is public* for anybody to join and we appreciate as many people showing an interest as possible. The operation I am organizing has a linear, RPG element which gives you, the player, a sense of progress and accomplishment for every success and a motive to push harder the next mission for a failure. *The server will be locked with a password -- players not representing an outfit or being part of SOCA may participate. For the list of mods, we take pride in keeping the list minimal. Here is the list... Disregard gnt_fsf If you do not use Six Updater or PlayWithSix, here are the mods to download from ArmAholic... ADF - Necessary Blastcore CBA_A3 - Necessary compassfix HiddenIdentity JSRS2 Kio_L85A2 - Necessary Koplic - Necessary Nato_RussianSF_Weapons - Necessary rh_pistol - Necessary StatusHud Task_Force_Radio - Necessary, along with TeamSpeak plugin VTS_Gesture FAQ Q: Where will your operation be hosted? A: On the SOCA server and TeamSpeak. Q: What is the SOCA TeamSpeak? A: soca.teamspeak3.com Q: Can I bring my friends along? A: Sure! If you're in an outfit, invite them along too! Q: What timezone do you play in? A: GMT+10 (Australia, Sydney time) Q: What's this spreadsheet? A: Come on TeamSpeak and I (Gman) will walk you through the logistics of the sheet. -Anymore questions PM me or post and I'll add to the list- I'll see you on the battlefield. Pte. Morgernstern 'Gman' Alpha Company - SOCA
  4. Jarate

    [MP] Operation Koplic Assault

    I've looked into the compass and compared the game with and without the mod and there is a noticeable difference for me.
  5. There's a flaw that makes the map look blocky. The foliage... Drive along the road and look at the ground. Lots of shrubbery then you enter into a town and the shrubbery comes to a stop and it's just flat in the town. I recommend revising the foliage near buildings. My suggestion would be making a transition from shrubs to no shrubs, or adding more shrubs into the towns.
  6. G'day. I have tried two ways of running the mods. \IP\AddOns\@lingor (Server worked but would not load Lingor missions) \IP\@lingor (Server will not work) What am I doing wrong?
  7. G'day. I'm starting up a big project that requires 16 players, minimum. It will require players that can follow orders and players that can give orders. Three times a week, we'll rally up and have a meeting, then a training night, then a gaming night. The concept is simple. Take over Lingor. We will attack one or two areas of the map at a time until we have the entire map. I'm expecting this to take several weeks. There's an RPG element. You can see it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsdCC6_Dmq6odEh0OU0zbTdZek01emRaQWNwQmNTdFE#gid=0 Meetings: 8:30pm MONDAY Training: 9:30pm WEDNESDAY Game: 8:30pm FRIDAY (Times are AEST; GMT+10) Any questions? You can find me on this TeamSpeak IP: (Gman) I know you'll have questions. Note: The admins will not have any clue what's going on (Unless they ask about it) so please don't bug them. Talk to ME! P.S: Please add me on Steam so I can keep tabs on everyone. (Optional, but recommended)
  8. If you are experienced with modding servers through an FTP and CPanel, please add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WatchMyShow/ I will give you limited access to the CPanel where you can fix what I've broken or missed. (I don't think I've broken anything, the server just will not run with any mod)
  9. The folder structures are okay. I have the commandline correctly placed. I do not have the entire path because it's on the CPanel, not on my computer.
  10. Those are inside @lingor itself.
  11. Still waiting on a reply.
  12. G'day. I am a member of a clan called 'AEF' (Australiasian Expedition Forces) and I am wondering if you would like to play with us sometime. We are always looking for different ways to get our name out and I think this would be a good way to reach out to a larger audience. Currently, we are not doing anything in particular, but our 'Mercenary Campaign' will recommence in February. The Merc' Campaign is about the (not limited to) AEF working as a realistic squad against militia, Taliban, Britians and/or Americans. Each Monday we have a meeting to discuss what we will need. Each Wednesday, we perform training exercises. Each Friday is game night. We added an RPG element as well. For each meeting, training session, and game night attended, we get paid $100 or $50 Merc' cash. We can use this cash to purchase weapons, attachments, and misc. items like NVG. For each game night, we also have something called 'HQ cash' which is money spent specifically on vehicles. Our ArmA2 division (2CAV) is led by HumV. HumV is the mission designer, who creates the missions. The Mercanary Campaign that will commence in February will be using Invasion 1944 (I44) so we will be up against mainly Americans and British. To get any mods that we will be using, use Six Updater. For more specific details, enter our TeamSpeak. (Yes, we will be playing as ze Germans) Each mission has two or more objectives that are completed by Alpha and Bravo squad. (10-15 members per squad, so far) If you would like to join us, HumV will gladly give you a better understanding and will answer any questions you may have. You can find us in our TeamSpeak: ts.aef-hq.com.au:9989 P.S: I am AEF Jarate 2CAV. If HumV asks who referred you, you know who to say. :) P.S.S: To be eligable to join AEF, you must be 18 years of age. A microphone is a requirement as well. P.S.S.S: You do not have to be AEF to play in our Merc' Campaign. Anybody is welcome, as long as you are cooperative and will follow the squad leader's orders. Note to moderators: I honestly have no clue where to put this since several sections have potential. Move the thread if you think it's is more appropriate else where.