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Everything posted by Beavaroo

  1. Beavaroo

    Orienteering Mission

    Thank you for taking the time to create and share your mission. I find applying land nav techniques in ArmA2 great fun and have spent hours (hundreds, truth be told) exploring Chernarus with nothing but a map and compass after randomly spawning a character on the map. Hopefully will stand me in good stead if I ever manage to log on to a DayZ server! Some observations and tips follow which I hope may be of help to others: Pace Count Walking (count 1 pace each time right foot touches the ground) = 62paces per 100meters ~ 1.6meters per pace. Travel Times and Distances in Seconds and Meters(sec, m) - Based on measured values of 60sec per 100m walking, and 90sec per 500m jogging. Walking Time Required(sec) = Desired Travel Distance(m) x 0.6 Walked Distance(m) = Travel Time(sec) / 0.6 Jogging Time Required(sec) = Desired Travel Distance(m) x 0.18 Jogged Distance(m) = Travel Time(sec) / 0.18 I recommend not jogging for more than 500m (90sec) at a stretch as fatigue sets in quite quickly thereafter, reducing your speed and the accuracy of the above calculations. Take a knee, check your six and catch your breath! Map Plus V1.01 - Arma 2 addon by NouberNou. Provides compass rose (degrees and mils), scalable ruler, map symbols, and line drawing tool for use on Arma 2 maps. Makes maps easier to read by removing "satellite" textures, lightening vegetation shading, and highlighting countour lines and elevation numbers. I trust the above may be useful to others. Keep up the good work!
  2. Try Kustryk, NE corner of grid 0410. SE of Green Mountain. If may not be the spot, but it fits the description quite well.