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About Cyberide

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Cyberide

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    As another sign of shoddy work on BIS behalf, the "DLC" in this case acts more like a mod. You wont get any separate listing or icon like you did with their previous DLC (BAF and PMC). Instead you just have to make sure its selected in the Extensions section of the menu in Operation Arrowhead and select the new campaign. This, along with the bugs and google-translate (incomprehensible) translations makes it seem like they really didn't give a toss at all about this "DLC". I've learnt my lesson, wont be buying another BIS product for a while.
  2. Cyberide

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    This is the worst bit of game content I have ever bought. Completely unpolished, unprofessional mess! Horrible translations, game breaking bugs, idiotic scenarios. I'm beginning to think its a scam. I want my money back BIS!
  3. Cyberide

    [CAMP/SP] Campaign: Desert Storm

    Are the text and voices in the campaign in English?
  4. Cyberide


    I had the same problem. I eventually gave up and went in on foot and did it the hard way. ;)
  5. Hey h34dup, you might be interested in this... Civilian Interaction Module Cheers.
  6. h34dup, I forgot to add that I also get a message popup after I've played the mission saying "tpw_houselights108.sqf not found" or something like that. It doesn't seem to affect the mission and only pops up after you exit the mission and return to the Single Player Scenarios screen. Not sure if it's a bug or something I've done wrong? Looking forward to playing the new version. Cheers.
  7. Awesome man. Yeah I think making the other team members playable will fix a lot of those issues too. It's a good compromise. Regarding the NVGs, you're absolutely right. They had them as soon as we crossed the front-lines. Perfect way of doing it mate :) I seem to have run in to a bug now though. I've finished all the objectives (even the optional one to kill the HVT) and have made it back to the TOC (which is my only remaining objective) but it's not triggering complete. Is there a specific action I need to do in order to trigger it? I'm standing right on the marker outside the TOC building (I even went inside to see if I had to talk to anyone in there, but no options came up). Other than that, brilliant mission mate. Thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the best SP missions I've played in a long time :)
  8. Hey h34dup, just thought I'd give you some quick feedback (still playing it). 1.) Any chance you can make the other 3 squad members playable so we can "team switch" into them? The AI path-finding for the ATVs is pretty horrendous and oftentimes they wont respond to my being downed (ie. offer first-aid) so it would be helpful to be able to switch into them and get them on task before switching back to Hooch. 2.) The AI for the ATVs is borderline useless. They cant path-find to save their life, they move agonisingly slow, they constantly flip and just sit there (forcing the others following to just stop in their tracks as well). 3.) All four team-members should have NVGs by default too, as they did in real life. Anyway, just a quick heads up. The mission seems very professionally done and is quite cool so far. Going to go back and keep playing. Cheers.
  9. Cant wait to play this. Hope its good.
  10. Cyberide

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    I've got a few problems with Devil's Castle. One, my second team mate wont respond to any commands. He just stands there out in the open, wont move, wont regroup, wont change stance, etc. Second, I've reached the enemy HQ camp and planted a satchel near the table and chairs and detonated, but the "Destroy enemy HQ with a satchel" objective doesn't get checked. I thought maybe it meant to blow up the APC under the camo netting instead, so I reloaded from a previous save and planted the satchel near the APC, detonated it and destroyed the APC but still it doesn't acknowledge the objective as being completed. Anyone else had these problems? Very frustrating.
  11. Cyberide

    Single Player missions for ARMA2

    Yeah. I wish there was a website that listed missions/campaigns by [sP] / [CO-OP] / [Multiplayer] and ranked them.
  12. Any chance they'll be updated in the foreseeable future? I want to play them :(
  13. Cyberide

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Wow. Just finished it. This is by far the best mission series/campaign for ARMA I have ever played. Better than the official missions that came with the game in my opinion. Any plans to make more mate? :)
  14. Cyberide

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Hey Zipper, great campaign mate. Really polished, top-notch work. I just have a couple of nit-picks. Could you make the dialog text go slower? It changed too fast, I never got to read it all before it would move on. Secondly, how do you get team member 6 to disarm the IED in the 5th mission? I found the IED (garbage) but can't get him to disarm it. I would think you would just point at it, select team member 6 and choose "Interact" but its greyed out. I know it's definitely the IED because I eventually got frustrated and walked up to it and it blew up.