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Everything posted by cfsfirefighter

  1. Hey guys i have a quick question im working on a mission on the map i need to make room to fit another building so i created a trigger which says this {hideobject _x;} foreach (nearestobjects [getpos maphouse3, ["Fence_Ind_long","Land_a_stationhouse","Fence_Ind","Land_Mil_Barracks"], 75]); Which hides the building but not the fence around it even though i have added the class name etc after banging my head and surfing Google thought i would come and ask the experts i see in the editor that the fence has ID Numbers is there a way that i can create a trigger to hide the object associated with these ID Numbers?? Cheers CfsFireFighter
  2. cfsfirefighter

    Show Id Numbers

    Awesome that worked is there a way i can list multiple id numbers instead of creating a new logic for every ID Number
  3. cfsfirefighter

    Show Id Numbers

    dam that still didnt make the fence hide mmmm i wanna bang my head on my desk :-)
  4. cfsfirefighter

    Show Id Numbers

    it doesn't like that when i try to put it in the trigger its says the stuff about space in global or something like that ---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ---------- Local Variable in global space is the full thingo
  5. Hey guys just wanted to get you option on my VE Commodore i have made both civ cars and police vehicles (marked and unmarked) if you could download and have a look and ill also be seeing if i can get it on armaholic its pritty much finished and ready for release Credits CfsFireFighter Riva Jan Templar Jonzie Magnet Whoever else i forgot :-( Here are Some Pics Link to download - 49mb Link removed Just place the pbo in you arma2 addons folder Also please leave any bugs etc below Cheers CfsFireFighter
  6. cfsfirefighter

    Australian VE Holden Commodore

    cool mate let me know what you think
  7. cfsfirefighter

    Using Proxy In Model

    Big sloppy kiss for you :-) in a non homosexual way :j: that worked great i was wondering how to add the proxy to the model config didnt even think of creating a named section for the proxy :-)
  8. cfsfirefighter

    Using Proxy In Model

    Hey guys i have a question about using proxys i have a model that has 60k faces or something like that so as we know buldozer or the game wont run that ok so my model is a motorbike and i have cut the main model down so each wheel is its own proxy same with some of the body. my main model is now 14k face and runs in buldozer and in game now this is where my question is i need the wheels and handle bars to do there part i have named them all volant etc and made the model.cfg listed everything but they still wont animate and i believe this is because they are in another proxy p3d and they still have all there named sections etc so do i have to put something in the model.cfg to point it to the proxy or does it have have to be placed somewhere?? I hope that is understandable :-) so i have Main Model - Broken Down High poly to proxy - Looks fine in buldozer but wont animate - Rage Quit :-) Cheers