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About lipster

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  1. Hi Tride all setting with no luck also other AMD drivers.
  2. Hi I will try the setting Thanks
  3. HI Pure Passion Yes It does but the graphics are very poor the trees are blobs the buildings are very bad with jagged edge's. I tride all settings with no luck if I turn down shadows it helps with the blue/white but no other settings work. I downloaded it from Steam again it's still the same can any one get this to work on a 7970???? Thanks
  4. Hi thanks for the info posting. I have tried application setting in the AMD catalyst and moved them all and tride all the settings in TOH but the graphics and color stay the same. Thanks
  5. Hi Trying to attach image That didn't work im trying fliker
  6. Hi All I'm new to this game. I have just installed Take on Helicopters from Steam and the graphics are bad the grass is blue and the trees are a blue/white and nothing is clear. I have tride all setting but with no luck. FSX works well and so do my other games. I7 2600k OC 4.5Mhz 8GB Ram MSI 7970 GPU 120 GB Revodrive x 2 850watt power 1920 x 1080p Screen Thanks for looking