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Everything posted by LKS90

  1. Hello guys! I'd like to make a little forum post about my missions which I recently finished and released, so here we are. Hum Aid A rather linear mission where you have to transport some cargo to one of 3 random locations, pick up some civilians further north (again, 3 possible task locations) and bring them back to Kavala and then you have to do a troop pickup at a location south of Kavala, which is randomized just like the other two tasks. The locations get decided on mission start, so you have to restart to get new destinations. When you fly too high (>90m) prepare for a MANPAD trying to take you down, you have countermeasures so it's not a death sentence. Features: - 3 scripted tasks - 27 possible combinations - retextured helicopter - custom voice over Dropbox Steam Armaholic Sling It 83 possible destinations, one cargo crate and all helicopters that are capable of sling loading. You can customize the time, weather and fog as well as the cargo during the mission at a laptop which is in front of you when you spawn. The cargo can either be an ammo box with a weight between 100 and 4000 kg or a container with a weight between 1000 and 12000 kg. There is a task chain that will take you to all 83 locations one by one. You can change the current destination at the laptop and reset the cargo, under the map it shows the name of the current destination marker, the distance to the location, how many tasks are left and the total weight delivered. The map markers indicate which helicopter can sling the current cargo. If you manage to finish the mission, the rating is the total weight delivered. Features: - 83 Destinations - 7 helicopter ranging from light to very heavy - Time, Weather, Fog and Cargo fully customizable during mission with custom GUI - Task system with rating and autosave Download: Dropbox Steam Armaholic
  2. Hey there! I would like some critique/help for my quad respawn script. It creates a Quad at a marker called "quadRespawn". The quad should automatically respawn when killed and there should be a marker on the quadbike which is alive right now. Here are the 2 scripts which I think could in theory make that possible. Problem is, it doesn't work, there are no syntax errors (in arma or squint) and I'm at a loss. I would like to learn sqf scripting, therefore I would appreciate it if someone would help me with my scripts instead of pointing me towards working scripts which are made for every possible edge case and only have to be called. Further notes: My plan is to make the mission SP for the moment, it is run in MP though, because of the player respawn templates which I really like. Locality shouldn't be much of an issue, but I am honestly not really sure about how locality practically effects everything, still need to learn some stuff :P. Edit: The quadRespawnScript is called in the init.sqf once, to spawn a quad at the beginning. I also changed it a little bit, now it complains about line 7 in liveMarker.sqf. The _unit variable is unassigned : /. Edit²: My Idea now would be to change it somewhat: Create a carpool, add the quad to it in the respawnScript and create markers for every object in the carpool (futureproof, yay :D). ______________ Edit³ Back to status quo, it just doesn't work. Here are all the scripts right now: quadRespawnScript.sqf: private ["_pool","_count","_name"]; _pool = _this select 0; _count = count _pool; _name = format ["quadBike%1", _count]; // Is a String recurse = { execVM "quadRespawnScript.sqf" }; addEH = " this addMPEventHandler [""mpkilled"", recurse] "; addName = " _name = this; "; "B_G_Quadbike_01_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "quadRespawn", group player, addEH + ";" + addName]; carPool = carPool + [_name]; // Want to use as objectName publicVariable "carPool"; liveMarker.sqf: private ["_pool"]; _pool = _this select 0; {[_x] call markerFunction} foreach _pool; markerFunction = { private ["_unit","_name","_text","_marker"]; _unit = _this select 0; _name = "quadMarker"; _text = "Quadbike"; _marker = createMarker [_name, position _unit]; _marker setMarkerText _text; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBLUFOR"; _marker setMarkerType "b_unknown"; while {alive _unit} do { _marker setMarkerPos (getPos _unit); sleep 0.75; }; deleteMarker _marker; }; init.sqf: [west,5] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [west, "WEST1"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; carPool = []; publicVariable "carPool"; [carPool] execVM "quadRespawnScript.sqf"; [carPool] execVM "liveMarker.sqf";
  3. The problem at the moments is that it doesn't even spawn a single Unit : /. At the moment I don't have it decided if the server or the client should run it, as it is meant for singleplayer only (and because I had no idea it could/has to be defined somehwere :D). _____ Edit: lks_eventHandlerCode = {vehicleCount = vehicleCount + 1; maxVehicles = maxVehicles + 1;}; if (isServer) then{ while {true} do { if(vehicleCount < maxVehicles) then { "B_G_Quadbike_01_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "quadRespawn", vehiclePool, "this addMPEventHandler [ ""mpkilled"", _this call lks_eventHandlerCode ]" ]; }; sleep 0.75; }; } the code right now (with some testing).
  4. Even my most basic scripts don't want to work. : / enlargePool = { vehicleCount = vehicleCount + 1; maxVehicles = maxVehicles + 1; }; addEH = "this addMPEventHandler [""mpkilled"", enlargePool]"; while {true} do { if(vehicleCount < maxVehicles) then { "B_G_Quadbike_01_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "quadRespawn", vehiclePool, addEH]; }; }; [west,5] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [west, "WEST1"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; execVM "vehicleScript.sqf"; maxVehicles = 1; vehiclePool = []; vehicleCount = count vehiclePool;
  5. LKS90

    Arma 3 Appcrash at Start

    You pre-ordered ArmA 3 and got access to the Alpha, you can't expect the same service and reliability as with a finished product. (Pedanterie ist hier nicht angebracht) Edit: Someone was faster... :D
  6. Please don't derail this thread only because some users can't stick to a topic and have to bitch about a dev build for an alpha release.
  7. Can anyone confirm this? I wasn't able to play the mission at all. The guys at the beginning didn't greet me, deactivating the 1st (or the other) mine(s) didn't do anything and you aren't able to sabotage the boat either. After switching back to the non-Dev Alpha build it worked fine again. If someone else can confirm this, we should better create a bug report.
  8. The i5 doesn't even have Hyperthreading. What the hell are you talking about? And only marginal better performance than an i3, which has a lower Cache? Someone's making up their facts, eh?
  9. The console is completely scripted. Even the version and date of the mail program are values defined by the person who modified the terminal. As someone else already pointed out, users on unix systems get a directory for them in the /home/ folder. Same with var/spool/mail, where unix systems normally create folders for all the users. The messages in those folders used to be mostly internal mail, not sent via the internet.
  10. Sorry, that is wrong. I got it mixed... Joe is the brother, Harry is the father.
  11. WRONG INFORMATION USED TO BE HERE Edit: Just a little explanation on how to play with the console (for chrome): Go to http://m26.node-42.rv4a3.org/, right click and select Examine element or whatever (the one at the very bottom, I don't have chrome on english right now... :D). Now switch to the source tab and click on the little hexagon with the pause logo in the middle until it turns purple. Now switch to the console tab and paste this inside right at the beginning: $('#console').terminal("json-rpc-service-demo.php", { login: false }); Now the console doesn't require a login at the start. This enables you to use the whoami and mail methods, but most other methods need a token (which is generated from login + password) for verification.
  12. LKS90

    New ArmA 3 ARG started?

    I think it's quite obvious and established that M26 alpha corresponds to the Air Station M-26 which is visible on this map.
  13. LKS90

    New ArmA 3 ARG started?

    I created the test and "who deleted the folder..." folders. The first time I connected with an FTP program I noticed everyone could edit the files and saw that someone had deleted the folder which used to be there.