I have problem with Markers in game, i add this to marker.sqf:
waituntil {(alive player)};
_unit = leader player;
_nameP = name _unit;
_markerobjp = createMarkerLocal [_namep,[0,0]];
_markerobjp setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_markerobjp setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
_markerobjp setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
_markerobjp setMarkerTextLocal _nameP;
_markerobjp setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
while {alive _unit} do {
_markerobjp setmarkerdirLocal (getdir _unit);
_markerobjp setMarkerPosLocal (getPos _unit);
_markerobjp setMarkerTextLocal _nameP;
sleep 1;
and this in init.sqf: nul=[this] execVM "marker.sqf";
But there is a problem, players in game cant see teammates markers on map. I can only see my marker. How to solve that?