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About gunnyrolling

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  1. Thanks, it worked perfectly!
  2. I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work the way I'd like. I need a trigger to go off when ANY player on Blufor brings a certain sidearm to the trigger area. I've been using the trigger BLUFOR/present and in conditions this && player hasweapon "rhs_weap_tr8" The problem is that if ANY Blufor player enters the trigger area even without the weapon, it goes off. How can I get it to activate only when a BLUFOR player with the given sidearm enters the area?
  3. gunnyrolling

    ARMA 2/OA online activity

    I'm considering getting combined ops, but before investing I would like to know how active is the arma2/oa ommunity? Are there enough servers that are vanilla, or are all of them modded? I heard DayZ is good, and I will definetly play that but I still want to play the vanilla co op and such.